Messages 2016

Be scientists of the soul

December 5th, 2016

Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.

It is Keea-atta-kem.

You have been tilling fertile ground, my beloveds, in your efforts to love and surround the dear soul who is questioning and seeking and you have brought within that place a great blessing from God through your prayers and intentions.

Continue to till the ground in many places in this world. Many of you will travel to many places. to all the continents of the world and to many of the countries that form those continents. And you will till fertile ground in simple and humble ways and in ways that are dramatic and powerful. Your words will be heard. Your message of love, which is God’s message of love, will be spoken and will be interpreted into many languages the world over.

And you wonder how this can be as you continue to draw in souls in the various ways as you are communicating and connecting with others. And to you it seems a very slow process but think of it as creating a wheel in motion, think of the momentum that is required, the power, the power of this motion, the light that is generated by this, these many efforts. It takes time as you grow the light within your souls, so the light is added to this great effort and as you change and evolve and grow so you add different qualities of light to this flame, this great swirling flame.

My beloveds, the understandings that we ask of you, to envelop and to adopt and to know within your souls are high teachings, powerful teachings of truth and this takes time for you to be ready to receive them, to be ready to enact them in your lives and of course this requires an activation of your soul so that you may truly be able to comprehend what is given and to teach as a channel to others.

Many of you have had a variety of experiences. You have had unique life paths and experiences and this too contributes to the body of knowledge and perception of the truth and you continue to grow, to widen your awareness, to bring into yourselves greater love, to understand the truth of God’s great creation with more finesse. And with more capacity to understand the subtleties of these truths and as you are strengthened in the love you are more able to integrate this greater knowledge into your consciousness and your life. And so it goes, while we await, we await your growth in the Love, your ability to release error and your desire to adopt truth, those many, many ways and aspects of truth so that they may be truly a part of yourselves.

Yes truth - the quality of truth and the immensity of truth is staggering and we cannot possibly expect that you will absorb and know all of the truths of the universe in your lifetime on earth but you have made a good beginning. You have adopted many foundational and powerful truths and you continue to grow in this and find your way. In the beginning when you read a truth or someone explained a truth to you, it was subject to many interpretations within your mind which was a response to your life experience and what you know from this experience, the education you have received, the books you have read, the conversations you have had. But all of those were mirror reflections and shadows of truth. It is when your souls are awakened and the faculties of your souls have been exercised and utilized that you are fully able to understand truth in a way that your mind is not capable of. And so this is a somewhat tedious process for each one of you as you continue to live a life in this world, a world that constantly bombards you with much error, many intellectual thoughts and stimuli. Much of which detracts from this pursuit of truth and in many cases this is not of your fault or your desire but is a fact of life for each one of you as you move through the world.

Many of you have concerns about various issues in the world, the state of your nations, the state of your cultures and the foundational aspects of how life is in this world at this time and so this draws your attention. So you continue to absorb more facts and information, building within your minds very large constructs of reality. Indeed God gave you a material mind in order to have the capacity to understand material things and I know this must seem contradictory as you’re being guided to develop the mind of your soul, the condition of your soul. Yet all around you is the encouragement to develop the faculties of your mind, the material mind. It is a difficult balance, it is a path fraught with many diversions, entanglements, and this is why God in His Mercy and Love for you sends His angels to assist you as we help to influence you as you try to balance and bring into clarity the truth and winnow out erroneous facts hiding powerful truths.

We understand your struggles, we know that each day is a struggle and yet it need not to be so as you start each day with a prayer, with the desire to be close to God, to share as you do at this time, the loving condition and nature of your souls with one another and into your life. Does it matter if you know many facts of the earth and how the earth is in the material sense? For some it is important, for some these facts are important for your livelihood but for many of you it is irrelevant. You are not to fear ignorance of these matters. My beloveds, there is another kind of knowledge, a deeper knowledge, a deeper understanding that comes with your relationship with your Heavenly Father and this knowledge is not widely known, it is not easily accessed in this world, yet, you have the key to understand, to understand this and I would encourage you to put an emphasis on understanding the world through the eyes of God, through the eyes of your soul, through the spiritual eyes. For this is what is sorely needed in the world. There are millions of books, filled with millions of facts, mankind has spent unfathomable hours researching the world and the facts are within these books, the knowledge is accumulated and yes, there is much more to understand and to know but the soul has been pitifully neglected. And you, my brothers and sisters, are scientists of the soul, it is your job, your opportunity to research the development of the soul, your own soul and all the souls who are with you in this greater effort. To put your focus upon the opening and flowering of your souls and what this means and what this is and the many, many aspects of this great development of soul. And maybe someday you will write a book that details these things, bringing that wonderful body of knowledge into the world, to do so from the perspective of a soul growing in Divine Love, opening in Divine Love, living Divine Love.

So I encourage you, my beloveds, and I will tell you that when you make these efforts and truly focus and are committed you will have all the support from the angels. You will be given much insight and understanding but first you must learn how to obtain this information, how to understand in this way, through the way of the soul, what this is. These delicate wisps of truth, you must weave them together into something strong and viable and when you do so through your prayers and efforts and contemplations and meditations you will be able to clearly translate this knowledge through your minds to others in whatever way you choose to do so. You must first open that channel of awareness within you, to be cognisant of the ways of the soul, the power of the soul, to go deep within yourselves, my beloveds, to be with God in a way that you are never away from God, to be within your souls in a way that informs your life. To walk this path of love and not stray upon the distractions of the mind, this is challenging but it is so very vital and important for if you are to travel the world and give this message of love. If you are to touch many souls through your example and who you are in that light, you must come to that place of deep awareness, that place that Jesus was embodied into and his disciples understood in time. And so you, as his disciples, will embody this truth in a way that is unshakeable, unassailable, and powerful.

It requires prayer, it requires a deep faith, it requires humility, it requires a deep, deep commitment to explore these truths, explore them from within yourselves, within your soul consciousness and to feed this exploration through your prayers for the Father’s Love. Bring forth truth, my beloveds, it is so very, very close to you and yet you continue to be amply distracted by the material world.

Yes you live in the material world, this is a given, and yet you begin to understand how to be in the world but not of the world. Yet what I have spoken of this day is to be not of the world but to be of your soul in communion with God and living your life in this way, in an active way, in a way that expresses truth in ways that you do not even dream of at this time but will manifest and come to fruition as you continue upon your faithful journey towards God and towards truth.

Blessings to you my beloveds, I am Keea and I am with you often and I guide some of you here and I am a teacher and I will continue to teach you if you have ears to listen and a heart and a desire to know truth. May the Father’s Love find a constant inflowing into your souls. May you feel that closeness with God that overshadows all things within you and within your lives, to know that connection as the mainstay and foundation of your life to feel his love burning within you, burning away the clouds of misunderstanding and error and bringing the clarity and beauty of God’s truth embodied within your being, expressed through you as an instrument of God’s Love and truth and healing for the world.

Beloved souls, you are truly loved, you have much to give and you will give as you grow more intensely, more beautifully to those whom you will encounter in this world. The world awaits your wisdom; it awaits God’s truth. Fulfil God’s desire that this truth and wisdom will come with simple clarity and powerful revelation and beautiful, gentle, reassuring and comforting, words of beauty and truth and grace.

God bless you, Keea loves you, Keea loves you, God bless you.