Messages 2016

Remember to nourish your soul

February 10th, 2016

Abbotsford, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.

May the Father’s Love flow into your souls in great abundance, my beloved souls. Each one of you have many gifts, great potentials within your souls which can be ignited by this Divine Essence, the Father’s Love. And it touches you within your soul, it touches you and soothes you, and brings deep peace and joy, and you feel the presence of the Heavenly Father within your midst as you pray for this Love. As you do your healing work, my daughters, remember to pray for God to touch that soul through you, to be in harmony with this great flow of Love which comes from the Creator. And with this simple prayer and intention you will find that deep healing can occur as you are in resonance and harmony with the Father’s Love and you receive this Gift within your soul, great openings and awakenings will ensue with this blessing, this Touch from God.

Yes, there are many flows of energies, conditions, and emanations of the body and the spirit body and these are important to note but this great, powerful, emanation of love that can only come from your soul will enhance and bring more powerfully into harmony, the conditions, and energies, and emanations within the human body and spirit to have the soul in alignment with this flow of healing which you so desire to be a channel for many. Remember to nourish your soul foremost, to be in alignment with the Heavenly Father, to make this your focus, to make this your anchor, to be ever closer to God. In this way all that is meant for the soul to which you wish to give shall occur and healing will be powerful and blessings abundantly given through you, my beloved, beautiful souls who are so eager to serve your brothers and sisters in this world.

God’s Love enhances all, all that you do and all that you are. It is the great Light that you carry, it is the power behind all that you do and as this Light and power increases, as you continue to open yourself into this great blessing of Love and within yourself a great transformation, within your gifts also a transformation, new channels open, new awarenesses dawn upon your consciousness, new understandings which are beyond the intellect and those learnings that others wish to convey to you, my beloveds. This awareness of the soul is higher and will incorporate all that is given, from the teachings you learn and will help you to understand and to integrate these understandings and bring them into perspective, bring them into harmony, with the true reality of God’s Creation. There is always much to learn, and you must continue upon your path of learning. But you must balance this with prayer, deep prayer, and bring this focus of prayer and longing to your Heavenly Father, to the forefront of your spiritual efforts and in so doing all else will fall into place and find a harmonious position within your consciousness, your understanding, your being.

Continue, my beloveds, beautiful souls, to come together in circles of Light, to pray together in loving harmony, to eagerly open yourselves to what God so desires to give you in His loving care, in His bounteous desire to lift you up and to bring you to that place of at-onement with Him. So much awaits every soul who desires to be with God, and is open to His Loving Touch. So much awaits, a great cornucopia of blessings, experiences, transformative and powerful. Do not hold back your hearts but follow the promptings of God to bring you to a place of harmony and peace. For God will Light your path and bring you what you require to be His loving channel of healing in this world. Beloveds, walk in the Light, walk in the Light. God bless you.