Messages 2016

The simple way of Love

April 17th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Gibsons, B.C. Canada


May God’s great Love infill your souls and bring you ever closer to the great fountainhead of Love, the source of Light, the great river of Love.

Spring is here, my beloveds, the springtime of your souls, invigorated and open just as the flowers emerge from the earth and open their blossoms to the warmth of the sun. So you, my beloveds, shall open to the warmth of God’s Love, this great steady Light, brighter than anything in the universe, radiating towards you, ever waiting for you to open to its gentle and warm touch. Open yourselves, beloved souls, and walk in this Light, drinking in what is offered, allowing this Touch to go deep, to find its mark within your soul and to cleanse all that which burdens you, to heal your infirmities, your fears, your angers, your judgments and to release your cloak and don new garments, bright in color, beautiful to behold, declaring that you are a child of God.

My daughter, I have been with you often in this garden as you pray and contemplate and draw to you the loving energies that God provides and so it is with this instrument as he luxuriates in the beauty that he and God have created together and all of you who spend time in this beauty, who allow yourselves the luxury to repose and replenish in this place, this place touched by God, this place beautiful and created in Love. Beloved souls, seek beauty, seek love, seek to be a channel of Love in your lives. Choose this and God will always be near. Choose to serve God in whatever ways God places before you, these wondrous opportunities, and you will be greatly rewarded by allowing the Heavenly Father to Touch others through you, to be in that flow, that river of His perfect Will and Love.

Life can be so simple for those who are close to God. Those human conditions which complicate and cause distress will fall away as you accept and adopt the simplicity of God’s Will for you and to live a life filled with Love. How can you be in distress when you feel Love? How can you hold back when you’re in the flow of Love? How can you restrict and judge when you are loved so by God? No, my children, you cannot, you cannot. And with the inflow of this Love and the influence of this Love and all that comes with it you will find it a flow so easily manifested in your life, uninhibited, unrestricted.

I chose the simple life when I was on Earth and great blessings came to me through this choice. I walked this Earth with God’s Hand upon me and I chose to accept His Will for me and my soul sang, immersed in all the beauty of God’s Creation and all the wonderment of feeling close to God. You, all of you, every one of you and all of mankind can choose this over those conditions created by man which cause disharmony and a lack of love. Every day is a choice. Every step you take towards Light will bring you closer to that simple way, that harmonious life that you all long for. To know deep peace within yourselves, joy and contentment, to serve God in many ways, simple but powerful, to be close and exalted in this Love, what more can one ask? What is more important? Why would you seek anything but these great blessings? For God will provide for all your needs. God will nurture you along this Path. You will be guided and you will learn much, absorb much, and see much upon the way, and many souls will be touched by your example and your strength and your Light.

It is a simple path, requires little from you but acceptance, openness, strength and consistency, to pray earnestly, to be humble, to walk in harmonious ways in this world. And you are all capable of this and you do try in your own way. You do try, and you see through your efforts and your mistakes how this is done and we who are with you, assist you and uphold you and show you the way, and each day you are getting stronger, each footfall is more sure, each effort you make imbued with greater Light, and so it will go step by step, choice by choice, prayer by prayer, allowing this greater Light, this Divine Connection to inform your life, transform your being through the Divine Love of God.

I thank you, beloveds, for allowing me to speak to you while sending your prayers Heavenward, for seeking truth and beauty and Love. Continue in these efforts. Continue to choose Light. Continue to walk the simple path and you will indeed know great joy and peace and wonderment and Love. God bless you. I am Francis and I love you.