Messages 2016

Welcome to this circle of Love

December 2nd, 2016

Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.

Beloved souls, it is Confucius.

Your hearts do indeed rejoice with coming together. My beautiful birds, you have flocked together once more in love and you are welcome in this Circle of Love and Light, beloved souls, precious souls. Drink deep these waters of Love, continue to bond together in love for you need one another, and in this beautiful fellowship will come many gifts and much can be accomplished in these prayers as you beseech your Heavenly Father to receive His Love. So you bring this Light into your midst and this Light flows from your midst to many others in the worlds, both the material world and the spirit world. We see blessings as you pray. Continue beloved souls, to open your souls to the inflowing of the Father’s Love. At this time, you receive this blessing and you will continue to receive this Love and know the joy of your togetherness in this Love.

Beloved souls, God has called each one of you in to this circle and you will be blessed as you continue to pray together. His peace surrounds you; the angels are with you. Drink deep and be at peace in these holy moments of silence.

Confucius loves you. God bless you.