Messages 2017

Drink Deep of God’s Love

March 8th, 2017

Received by: Al Fike

Abbotsford, B.C. Canada


Beloved ones, this is Confucius. The Breath of God is upon you beloveds. The Breath of God upholds you and carries you into the Light. Open yourselves to God’s Touch, to receive His Healing Love, to bring the peace and the wonderment and the joy that comes with this Deep Touch within your souls, beloveds. Where all fear and pain, all error, dissipates with this Touch of Love.

Open yourselves beloveds. Be uplifted. Be at peace. For God desires for each of His children to know the comfort of His Touch, the power of His Love, the Grace that comes with this communion as your soul opens and flowers to this Great Light and Touch.

His Blessings are with you beloveds. His Love flows into your souls and you are gifted, gifted with this Touch and this Light flows out to your loved ones. All those connected to you are touched by your prayers and efforts together in this Circle of Light. You are bonded together in Love. Drink deep this Great Blessing. Be at peace. God bless you.