Messages 2022

The World is a Wounded Place

May 2nd, 2022

Holland America Retreat

Received by Al Fike

The world is a wounded place, a world where so many souls continue to live out their lives without true meaning or purpose. All the while, their souls are yearning for love and not knowing how to express or to receive love in the ways that will truly nurture them and awaken them. No matter how many edifices are built, creations of man produced, material expressions within the world, you cannot compensate for the deep lack of love within the soul. This is the reason why God is ensuring that great shifts of consciousness may come and those material conditions may be neutralized, so that each soul may begin to question the purpose and meaning of their existence. For so many are asleep and refuse to awaken. So many do not know their own needs and wants other than that which is a distraction and material gratification. So very many souls upon the world are continuing to place a burden on God’s creation.

How little is truly known about the true self. How few understand that true nurturance. True joy comes from the soul, the soul given its place within the consciousness of man. So you must continue, my beloved friends, to awaken those who are willing to be awakened, to share this truth to those who are open and desire to be open to the truth.

It has always been this way, beloveds. The way of man is closed often to God or their way towards God is circuitous at best and does not allow the direct and beautiful gift of His Love to flow into their souls unimpeded, unrestricted. Rather the mind continues to layer up its reasons and reasoning to restrict God, to place God within the framework of the human psyche. It is time for humanity to be freed from the confines of their material and mindful reconings and know the true meaning of life, the true purpose of existence and all that is good and true and shall awaken the soul and bring it to at-onement with God.

You have a great challenge, beloved friends, to bring this truth to those who are blind, deaf and dumb. It is so sad to see God’s children lost and yet not knowing that they are lost, starving for love, yet not realizing how little there is within them, such hollowness within the soul, such yearning and deprivation. Man continues to hide from this, to walk away from their true selves and follow the way that they have designated, that they have proclaimed to be true. Yet, it is so false in truth.

I know that it is hard for you to walk in this world and see this for what it is. For you too, carry some of this blindness, this awareness of the ways of man, how they contradict the ways of God. Yet your souls are alight with light. The fire of love burns within you and you find yourselves continuing to reach out to God, to nurture these flames. So, God responds in love, and continues to awaken you, beloved souls.

You are finding your way and you must realize how difficult that has been in your life. Realize the pulls of human consciousness is great and suppresses the soul so powerfully. Thus, you must have compassion for your brothers and sisters. You must see that the way of the world is the way of confusion, of pain, of suffering. That is held up by distractions and pleasure. Yet, souls continue to yearn for truth and see truth in the beauty of God’s creation, see truth in the wonderment of existence. Now they must see truth in the wonderment of their own true selves and come to celebrate in joy what God has created, which is truly magnificent. Each soul, a beautiful manifestation of God’s Will, the creativity and expression waiting to be awakened, waiting for light and true love.

So you must be that light and speak of this truth, so that you may be God’s instruments. Sounding the bell toll that will reach the soul, beloveds. We are with you, for how rare is it in the world that there are those that know the truth as you know it. How few in the world truly understand? The majority of those that have some inklings of truth do not have the clarity of the Laws of God’s Love and Creation as you do. You carry a great gift, beloveds. You carry a great treasure that must be shared and spoken of and expressed in loving ways. Yes, God speaks gently. His subtlety, His Love is not forced upon another. It is given as a gift and must be received as a gift. So, you must teach your brothers and sisters how to ask, how to be attuned to this gift, how to truly walk within the world in alignment with God and His creation. God does not force this upon His children, nor are His children obligated to walk in light and truth and love. But within them is a true desire to do so and God uses you to awaken that desire, to help those that are seeking to find, to help those who are suffering to find comfort, to help those that are yearning to find peace and beauty that comes with love.

You are blessed in a world where love is not often found. So, you walk in this desert and the living waters are present below the sandy terrain, and you must dig and bring these waters forth, a wellspring for the souls of humanity. Be generous in love and show your brothers and sisters how they may drink and find their fill in these living waters of life so the soul may be quenched and enlivened and come to know God. Swimming in a sea of love, they may know true happiness and joy.

Beloved souls, you are given great responsibility. The Truth has been laid at your feet. Do not waste your time in idle pursuits but walk as true channel of love and truth in the world. In this way, you will fulfill God’s Will and find great joy in this. Your soul will find its way to God and know its true reckoning, its Creator, its transformation created in love and truth. Go forth, my beloveds, and seek to fulfill this true plan for the salvation of humanity. Seek to know your Creator in all things and in all ways, so you may walk as a true light, a true inspiration, a true example.

May God bless you, beloved souls. Know that I am with you. I am your brother and friend. I am Jesus and I walk with you, and I will walk with you all the days of your life upon this Earth. As you travel towards the Celestial Kingdom, I will lead the way and ensure there is a place for each of you in God’s Kingdom of Love. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you and keep you in His love and hold you in His embrace and bless you in His Grace.