Messages 2022

The World Needs Your Prayers

June 21st, 2022

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

Blessings of love be upon you, my beautiful brothers and sisters of the Earth. My name is Salome, and I lived in the time of Jesus and I was a follower of his truth, and so I reside in the Celestial Kingdom and have done so for many hundreds of years. I wish to tell you that God is marshaling His forces: the angels of heaven, the bright spirits, those of you on the Earth plane, to help bring about the mighty changes and transformations that are coming in your world. Those things that will separate the darkness from the light and that the darkness shall dissolve in light.

My beloved friends, your prayers are needed. Your thoughts, deeds, perspectives and openings of your heart and your soul towards the great Love of God and all that which is of light are needed. Whereas the world continues to reject the darkness and move towards light, greater light and harmony, so God needs His instruments, whether they be from the Celestial Heavens or from your earthly plane and the many other sources and resources of souls that are in alignment with the truth of love and light and harmony.

You must be ready. Be prepared. Be faithful and truthful with yourself. As you look upon your life and see how that life is in need of change, in need of upliftment, light and love. For how can you be God’s instruments without truly being in harmony with God, in harmony with His Laws of Love, in alignment with all that is His Will and the flow of His intentions for the world, bringing all back to harmony, peace and light, making love the predominant force in this world? This is all part of God’s plan, and it will come about in surprising ways, in ways that are unexpected, in ways that will bring true change to your world.

For the world needs to be in the light. It needs to survive all the conditions that humanity has brought upon it. And it is in itself, working to heal itself. As I say, there are many forces, many aspects of the universe and of God that are working to bring this healing about, to bring this transformation forward and overtly so.

My beloved and beautiful friends, it is for you to listen, to be receptive to the Will of God so that you may act in accordance to God’s Will, in harmony with His plan, and to do so by utilizing your gifts and your abilities to bring light and love to the world, to bring wisdom and intention toward light. These things can manifest each day as God puts before you the opportunities and the possibilities of being within the harmony and flow of God’s Will, being His faithful servants, being true to the knowings of your own soul, being forthright with His Truth and making those changes that require more harmony in your life, more truth in your world and your way of being. God does not pressure His children, nor would we insist on anything. But we come to inspire and to uplift and to guide so that you in your questioning, in your times of prayer, and in your daily life, you may find the answers and the ways of being that are in harmony with love, in harmony with God’s Will and intention.

There is much that you can do, and there is much waiting for you to do. For the world cannot and will not change without the active agents of God helping to implement and to bring about those changes. To accept and help others accept that which is God’s Will and in harmony with God’s Laws of Love. It does not come overnight. It does not come with merely a thought of intention. It comes with the truthful and faithful application of that which you know to be true and of love. Work diligently, my beloved friends, to be that agent of love and truth and light in the world. In this way, you help ignite greater change, light and truth in others. A shining light, beloveds, a true example of being full of grace, of being a channel of God’s intentions of love and light in the world, this is what is needed. This is what you may do, provided you desire to do so and are in alignment with God’s Will. If you desire to know God’s Will and pray for this to be done, it will come to you. You will hear and know and feel the Will of God, and that will be forthright and powerful in your life.

Beloved souls, know that you are capable of many things, that you have a beautiful soul, and that as you push forth with this love, light, wisdom and truth enveloping your whole being in this way, so the expression of it will be clear and powerful. So you will be that channel of light in the world, so needed, so needed.

Beloved, beloved friends, brothers and sisters, be that light. Know that light is truly a part of you. The love of God lives within your soul and continues to grow within it. Know this and focus upon it so that you are truly, truly that clear channel for God. Know that you are loved. Each of you are loved deeply, beyond your comprehension. That love is vast and wondrous and shall make within you a home that is eternal, an understanding, an expression within you that shall continue to expand and grow in love.

Beloved souls, you are precious to God. You are precious to us in the Celestial Kingdom. You are precious in this world, for you carry a truth and a light that can transform it and eliminate all the pain and suffering that is here. Know this and believe this. Have great faith in this, and you will find the freedom, the truth, the joy, the light that you seek. It will come as His Love flows into you and transforms you.

God bless you, beloved souls, and keep you in light. I am Salome and my love is with you, all of you. My prayers are with you. And the prayers that you speak of are answered by your efforts together, sending them to God Who will respond in that which is in harmony with His laws and His Will. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.