Messages 2022

Walk with an Open Heart

February 22nd, 2022

Punalu’u, Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Jimbeau Walsh

I am here your brother in Christ, Luke. The great gift of free will allows each soul freedom of choice whether to be aligned in harmony with the Will of the Creator and all the laws of the Universe or whether to find oneself outside of that harmony. The music of the spheres where everything flows in accord with the will of God.

Every soul reaches out for love. When one is traumatized or abused, often the search for love becomes misguided. This could be a lust for power or an addiction to all the earthly things that provide some kid of momentary satisfaction.

It is said, “Thoughts become things,” and this is true when one carries them through to fulfillment. These can be things created in love or not. A thought may appear to be a very solid thing. For instance, you can build a wall or a building but let me say compared to an emanation of love from a soul, they are no more solid than a block of ice finding itself under the sun, the rays of which, melt it down. A hardened heart may be compared to a block of ice. It seeks protection and yet when that heart opens to love and most especially when a soul is the recipient of Divine Love, the heart opens like a rose and melts like a block of ice into a beautiful stream, into a flow in harmony with God and all things in creation.

In this prayer, in this circle of light, in the radiance of love, know that the emanations from your souls, can influence the world, dissolve the barriers.

I encourage you to walk with an open heart and remember God. Ask to be in harmony with God’s will. Ask from your soul. It is good to have knowledge of this kind, but I say it is even better to be love, resting in the arms of God, all children of the Creator. Trusting in that, so your faith may carry you knowing that your prayers will be answered always. Sometimes in ways you cannot see, but perhaps later, you realize the outcome. Stay in the bliss and in the joy of the love of God and all things will be given to you as promised.

I am your brother and friend in Christ. I am Luke. Go in peace and in the Love of God.