Messages 2023

Pleased with Our Mission; Will be Guided Back Again and Again

February 12th, 2023


Received by Al Fike

God bless you my friends, I am Bartholomew. I wish to thank you for your endeavors within these languid isles of beauty and warmth, for they are in great need of upliftment and spiritual guidance. Indeed your efforts may seem somewhat humble, and yet your presence and your instrumentality has ignited many things within this place, these islands. So you will see in the future how God will continue to orchestrate and guide His children towards the light, and that you may be involved again and again in this effort to uphold God’s children who are seeking, who are in need of greater light and peace. Do not underestimate the power of your gifts and presence here, my beloved friends. You have been guided and you have responded accordingly. In this, we give our thanks and our love. You will continue to be guided. You will continue to be used to uplift and to support your brothers and sisters in this place.

Be of good cheer, my friends, for you have fulfilled a purpose that has been divinely orchestrated. You have overcome whatever trepidations, physical impediments and whatever might be a part of your thinking that is resistant. You have walked in faith. You have found your way through guidance and through seeking the blessing of God’s Love.

So it will go as you continue to travel in many places in the world, places which you would not have imagined, individuals that you never would have thought you could have a relationship with, a connection, bringing them within the Lattice of Light. There are many places yet for you to visit, beloved souls, to make that connection, to expand that Lattice of Light around the world. So you and others will be used to do so. Do not restrict the possibilities of your travel by your biases and thoughts that would doubt the veracity of your guidance. Rather, be open and seek for confirmation whenever guidance is given. You will receive guidance and confirmation if this is God’s Will and the way will be open to you. The resources required will be given and much will be added to your work and your life through this form of service.

How blessed you are, my friends, to be able to move in the world as you do and to connect with many as you do with your gifts, your loving, open embrace as you accept all races and creeds, all in the world, such a diverse place. You embrace all and you give love. This is being God’s instruments, putting aside your biases, your fears, your judgments and embracing all in love with faith, confident that God is guiding you forward and protecting you as you go. Your needs will be met, beloved souls. You will come to know the next steps and the next steps as you move forward. Indeed guidance continues to flow, does it not? You continue to respond and so it goes in a world with so many impediments. God clears away so much upon your path and allows you to move forward without too much of a burden and hesitation. Have faith that every step, every breath is within the blessing of God and the Will of God. In this way, nothing shall hold you back, nothing shall impede or cause trouble for you. As you are God’s instruments, so there is an ease of movement, a flow of intention, a joy within your expression. This is the Will of God in action, and so you will know this Will more intensely and more deeply as you move forward in His Love, in His way, in His work.

May God bless you. I am Bartholomew and I give you my love and appreciation for your efforts. We shall indeed travel together again and speak to those brothers and sisters who are gathered together with the longing of the soul to seek the blessing of God in His Love. It shall be so, provided you are strong enough and willing to move in this way. Strengthen your bodies, strengthen your resolve, strengthen your faith, strengthen the love within you, and in this way you will provide what you are responsible for upon the journey and we will do the rest, my beloved friends. God bless you. Bartholomew loves you. God bless you.