Messages 2023

The Multitudes Rejoice with Us

June 24th, 2023

Sechelt, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

May the Father’s Love come into your souls. I am Matthew. I come to acknowledge each of you. For each of you have overcome hurdles and challenges so that you may be here together, that you may dedicate yourselves to these times for further awakening and development, further light and enlightenment. Each blessed by God, each finding their own way upon the path that God has designated, each feeling and knowing and experiencing the great Touch of God upon them.

For in this journey, the foundation is your relationship with your Creator. It is the growing of your soul in His Love. It is the budding and burgeoning wisdom of your soul awakening, coming to your consciousness the powerful Touch of God manifest through each of you. With this foundation and with the power of the Love of God manifest, then many gifts may come to the fore and many things may manifest through you. This does not come through your human will and desire for it to be so, it comes from your soul acquiescing and merging with the great Soul of God. This is the source of all power, all glory, all light, all love that will bring about the manifestations that you seek.

Remember, beloved and beautiful souls, that it is not you that makes this so. It is the Will of God through you and your capacity to allow the Will of God to manifest through you. For that which is in harmony with His plan and His Will is that which will come through and come through with harmony, grace, beauty and wonderment. Yes, God has given each of you many capacities and abilities. God has given you many gifts filled with many possibilities. But the one thing that ignites all these things is your desire to seek the great gift that is God’s Love manifesting within your soul. This being the key that opens all doors, the way towards that which you seek.

Never forget this, beloved souls. Never lose sight of how this may be manifest and fulfilled. For it is in your relationship with God, the closeness, the harmony, the longing, and the fulfillment that will bring all to you, all that you seek, all that is meant to be, all that will manifest in harmony with His Will and plan for the salvation of humanity.

Are you humble, my beloved friends? Do you seek from the very core of your soul, with all earnestness, all desire, all joy to be at-one with God? For when you come to that place where fulfillment is given, manifesting the true promise from God to be at-one in love, then nothing will hold you from your beautiful expressions and gifts that may come through you. No matter your education, your understanding of things of the material and metaphysical and what you call spiritual, without this relationship, without this channel opened and clear, profound and purposeful, nothing will come of your efforts other than the gratification of your mind and your desire to be uplifted in light. This too is a blessing, but it is not the key to your awakening and through the awakening of these gifts. It comes as you are unified with the one deep desire to be with God truly, and to know God truly, accepting His Love for you without reservation, without hesitation, so to be within the grasp, the embrace, the touch, the awareness, the joyfulness of this sacred blessing upon you.

We may do many things to encourage, to sustain, to bring you closer to this goal, but we cannot create for you your own personal relationship with God. That comes from you alone. Indeed, if you alone create this harmony, manifest this truth, bringing about such strength, unity, purpose and desire, then you can move mountains, beloved souls. You can bring and manifest all that is and can be a sign, a message, a manifestation of the Truth of God and His Love for humanity.

Do not linger at the doorway, but walk through together, hand in hand, and say, “Yes, I am here my beloved Father, Source of all Love, Creator of the universe. I am here because Your Soul has invited me. I accept your invitation to be at-one with you, to be in harmony with your laws of love, to awaken to the gift of love, to be transformed by the Touch of Your Love within my soul.”

My beloved and beautiful friends, how many in your world truly understand? How many in your world understand enough to make this effort to come together? Indeed, you are strong. Indeed, you are blessed, and indeed, God will bring you further insight, further understanding, further truth, and further awakening through His Love.

May God bless you, my beloved friends. I am with you upon this journey. I am Matthew and one of many of your angel friends and stellar friends and bright spirits who array around you, gathered in light, seeking to serve, seeking to uphold and uplift you. Open yourselves fully to what God has to give. For can you not see around you the light, the blessings, the sacredness of this time together in prayer? It shall grow and strengthen as you come together in harmony and love, and so God has the opportunity to bless you more fully, to bring to you His Blessings, embracing you in His Light and Love.

God bless you. My love for you is great. I have great compassion for your struggles, beloved souls, and I have great love and joy that you are committed and strong in your desire for the highest and the greatest of blessings given freely, without reservation, given by God. So you shall receive. So you shall receive, my beloved and beautiful friends, all the blessings that can be given. God bless you. God bless you all in His Love, always and forevermore.