Messages 2018

Jesus Responds to Our Prayers of Gratitude

October 5th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am your brother. I am your friend. I am with you beloved souls and I hear your penitent prayers. The longings of your souls are quite evident to my sight. It is in this longing you express to God, in your love of God and the knowledge you hold within your hearts of the great Love of our Creator that has earned you this designation and acknowledgement of your lights, of your aspirations, of your desire to serve in Light and Truth. So you become blessed brothers and sisters of this family of Truth and Love. This designation will be with you always beloveds. For those who have eyes to see, they will know who you are, for those who carry this special purpose and commitment to my work will be drawn into your midst my beloveds. You will know one another with the gaze into the eyes of each who carry this knowing. You will serve together in the awakening world and you will express your soulful purpose in this world.

I shall walk with you beloveds, always. You are my beloveds. You are loved. Let your light shine beloved souls. Though you may, in this world of yours which is so heavy and dense, not truly see who you are and truly know my light, within your hearts beloveds you know. You carry the knowledge, you carry the light and the vision and this shall merge with your minds so that you may consciously recognize these things of which I speak and know your true selves and share the wonderment and glory and joy of acknowledging the beautiful creation that God has put upon this earth that is you beloveds.

Your beautiful souls shine forth. You carry the mark of truth and you serve in the flow of God’s Will and Love. Did you not serve your brothers and sisters today in Love? Do you not speak the Truth amongst one another? Do you not care and love for one another? Do you not aspire to come higher into the Light of God’s Truth and Love? Are you not Children of God? Do you not continue to strive and grow in Love? You are my brothers and sisters and I am your elder brother who continues to watch over you. My brothers and sisters in the Kingdom of Heaven continue to minister to you my beloveds. God’s Hand is firmly upon you. You shall continue to be blessed and we shall continue to venture forward in light and service, and Love for all your bothers and sisters in this world.

I love you and care deeply for each one. Know that your brother in heaven awaits your arrival. When your day comes you will see the road that you have taken, the Light that you have brought to this world, the Truth that you have lived and spoken of, the service you have dedicated yourselves toward the benefit of all mankind. You will see beloveds souls and it shall be glorious and joyful. God bless you my beloveds. I am the Master Jesus and my love for you is great indeed. God bless you.