Messages 2019

Do not Judge others but Accept and Embrace

September 3rd, 2019

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike

You have all been richly blessed in this last while upon your path, richly blessed indeed. Know that God has put a special Light around each one of you for He continues to ensure that you grow and are blessed on your path. There is much work awaiting each one of you and the opportunities and doors will open and this Light that God has placed upon you has many ways and means to fulfill the plan that He has for you each, the plan that will ensure that many souls are blessed and have the opportunity to awaken to the Father’s Love. You will feel the intensity and beauty of this Light. You will know its protection and its ability to draw the angels close and to strengthen you in all respects.

This blessing is an acknowledgement of your deep commitment to God and that within each of your souls is a knowing, an understanding that you each have a path to follow, service to give, a place within God’s plan. Each of your souls has crossed a threshold, a threshold where there’s no turning back but only moving forward in the power and beauty of the flow of God’s Will within your lives.

There is nothing to fear, beloveds, nothing to worry about, merely to walk through your lives with deep faith and trust in what God puts before you and these blessings awaken. These blessings bring opportunities to serve. These blessings draw many other souls to you so that in time God will gather a great force of Light through many souls in your world. Indeed you feel within your souls the drawing one to another to many. Those souls feel this as well and understand and are compelled. Yet it does not mean that all of these souls will believe as you do nor see the world through your eyes. Yet they are of Light. Yet they have something to contribute for God in this great plan to heal the world.

Do not judge, beloved souls. Do not judge others, but accept and embrace knowing that in your world there is always some error, always something that is different, an interpretation, understanding and experience that forms the perception and understanding of an individual. In this way, you are each unique and in this way, all follow a path that is unique to them. This does not mean that you are not together in your souls with a unity, a knowing. There is a pearl of Light within each one that fits within this great string of Light that bonds each one together, acting in unison with God’s guidance that will flowing through each one.

Appreciate the differences. Tolerate those things that you know are of error. Bring love and acceptance, peace within yourselves so that you are not compelled to change another, instead, compelled to love one another, knowing that within the minds of every mortal that lives upon this world there are indeed unique perceptions and ideas, thoughts and inclinations that are not in harmony with your own and often not in harmony with God. Yet these souls are of Light. These souls carry something special, unique and beautiful that make the tapestry of life the great woven fabric that will be the agent of change in the world.

You are a part of this, beloveds. I say to you, you are the golden threads, the ones with the purity of Love, the understanding of Love, the highest of understanding. Not that you are without error or in the highest and brightest of condition of soul, but you carry the mantle of Truth with you. You continue to strive for the highest and strive for the Light to grow within you. In this way you bring a richness to the fabric. You bring something very special and beautiful and important.

Also you have a great responsibility in this so to continue to grow in love, to continue to allow the love in your soul to grow, to change you and reform you so that you are truly within harmony with God’s Love and the Laws of God’s love. As you continue to strive to these ends, so you will find your way upon the path that God has selected for you to follow. With humility and grace, may you continue to see that lighted way, that path so blessed and sacred that you may carry the light into dark places that you may be used to help to guide your brothers and sisters upon that path towards salvation from all the conditions of this world that indeed pull a soul away from light.

Indeed you have a great responsibility, my friends, a great responsibility, but you are all strong, you are all very capable and blessed and gifted. So the journey, the path will not be difficult, but the pace in which you follow it is your choice and determined by your actions and thoughts and efforts. So be wise, my beautiful friends. Be wise in what you choose. Be wise in what you do. Be wise in your efforts to be close to God and all else will follow in the stead of your efforts, prayers, actions and thoughts.

May God bless you deeply, my friends. May you walk in the Light always. This Light God has given you is a guiding Light and will indeed show you the way and will inform your soul of many things. You are blessed, my friends, deeply blessed. May God’s Love continue to pour into your souls.

God bless you. I am Andrew and I walk with you. My love is with you. God bless you.