Messages 2024
Humility is the Key
September 30th, 2024
Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.
Received by Jimbeau Walsh
May the love of God be upon you. I am your brother, Judas.
I wish to address the feeling of separation from God that those who are seeking at-one-ment often feel and in a broader sense. the world unknowingly feels. It is good to wish that every soul has its moment, its epiphany in calling out to God and I’ll tell you the simple secret is to be humble. It is often remarked of how humble the Master is and one wonders how can one so magnanimous in the love of God, so effulgent, be so humble? When in fact, the humility is present in the Master’s words, even while on earth, always praising God, always giving credit to the heavenly Father, thanking Him for His gifts and for the love that He had put into his soul.
The humility that comes from the deep soul longings brings a great inflowing of God’s love and that inflowing creates faith and when one begins to live in faith, it is an awesome and yet humbling experience. It is the conduit that connects every soul to its Creator.
As your prayers become ever more sincere, those things that have kept you from a deeper connection to God dissipate like rainclouds, opening to the sun and then that light guides your every moment when you are in the love of God. So, remind yourselves to be humble, for your humbleness will touch those who refuse or have refused up to this moment, to believe in anything other than themselves. It is wise to bless them in unspoken ways as a heart who loves blesses all those it touches.
May your souls be transformed in the great love of God, touch all so that when you wonder, “What am I to do in this world of woe? How can I bring peace to this planet gone mad? How can I help the earth to recover and live in a sustainable way?” You will see all these things in the human and natural love are embraced by the love of God. It is not a matter of pulling oneself up through their bootstraps, climbing the ladder of human love to reach the divine, but rather as you have seen, when one seeks first the kingdom in the love of God, all things are given, all beings are blessed.
Let God fashion your fate, that you may have a divine destiny. Let us all go to God in humility and sincere longings. That we may be ever blessed. This promise is real. This promise is the great gift. May the change that comes in this great love be yours. With all my love and blessings, I am your brother in Christ. I am Judas and I love you. May God bless us all.