Messages 2024
The Multiple Dimensions of God’s Creation
November 1st, 2024
Sechelt, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Greetings to you, my friends. May the great Love of the Creator enter into your soul, fuelling your progression along life’s eternal path. Your world is interconnected with other worlds, with other beings and with other spirits who inhabit different dimensions of reality. This interconnectedness of this world is immense and it is complex. You, with your five senses, only see a small fraction of what is in your world and what is a part of your world. Many of you cannot even see your spirit friends, your Celestial friends. Yet they are very much a part of your world, at least in the higher realms beyond this material plane of yours.
There are those like myself who are connected in a different dimensional way with all of you. This allows me to travel and to be with you at a moment’s notice. So we are there with you, seeking to help and uphold you. There are those from other planets who also uphold you. You understand the power of prayer. Can you envision many planets and many beings praying for you, their brothers and sisters upon Earth? For this happens and it is the case that there is much loving support being given to you from many different dimensions and many different planets. The universe is conspiring to uplift you, beloved souls, to bring you beyond this stilted and stunted place of consciousness and being, into what can only be described as the wonderment of life that is shared and understood by so many in this universe.
We wish to include you in this cosmic understanding of life, this truth of the power of Love that enters the soul and transforms the soul. No it is not just your truth, my friends. It is a universal truth. When each of you upon this planet learns to harness the great gift of Love that God the Creator has for each of you, then indeed you will be very much a part of this complex web of life and consciousness that is part of the universe.
When this is the case, you will see the world differently, so very differently. You will understand the minute, complex web that is life in all its forms, forms that you cannot see with the naked eye and the complexity goes up layer upon layer. You are at the pinnacle of this complex system that is Earth. You are also part of a very complex system which is your universe, your galaxy and that connects with other galaxies and so on.
It is a magnificent thing, creation, layers upon layers, complexities upon complexities. You see so very little of what is to be seen and known. Yet, as you continue to grow, expand your great soul in Divine Love and bring the capacities of that expansion into your reality, your consciousness, you will be able to understand more fully and deeply the nature of life. This will give you great joy, awesome appreciation of what is and what God has created, what God is and God’s Love for you, so vast and so wondrous. As you grow in Love, as your perceptions grow, multiply and deepen, it will carry you into a new reality. A reality that is more truthful and more in alignment with creation than the reality that humanity has made for itself, this stunted and distorted reality that is of the mind.
The mind will be integrated into soulful reality. The mind is certainly a part of you. It is a gift that God has given you. But, there are other levels and aspects of mind, of consciousness, that are not part of the material world. In this understanding of consciousness, as you expand into further awareness, you will see the different dimensions of your own being. Through this seeing, knowing and perceiving, you will be able to enter into other dimensions of God’s Creation. You will be able to understand who we are, understand who your angel friends are and other beautiful spirits and other beautiful beings.
The world is utterly filled with different beings of God’s creation. All are benevolent. All wish to be in harmony with God’s Laws of Love and God’s creation. So you will find your place within that benevolent collection of sentient, conscious beings who possess a soul, who are a part of God’s creation and who are truly your brothers and sisters. In this awakening of consciousness, you will then see the world from a different vision and appreciate and understand the true nature of creation, the true nature of God’s creation upon this beautiful Earth of yours. In that, you will grow in love and appreciation of so much that is a part of this world. You will honour it and you will live within it harmoniously.
These things come from an awakened soul. A soul that needs nourishment. A soul that shall be nourished in love. A soul that shall eventually open in its perceptions, gifts and faculties so that you will see the multi-dimensional reality of God’s creation. It comes to you in bits and pieces, in little insights and sometimes revelations. It comes and shall continue to come in many ways, many forms and many avenues of understanding. You only scratch the surface, my friends. Indeed, you are seeking and delving within and seeking that which is without. So, it shall be a great adventure, an awakening, a beautiful unfolding of reality and truth and the power of love that shall guide you along these roads to truth, love and peace.
May you know the joy of realising your true nature, the true nature of creation and the true nature of the Creator. God bless you. I am Orion and my Love is with you, my friends, always. We are connected. Even though I live so very far away, know that through the incredible capacities of the multi-dimensional universe, I am with you and shall be forever. Blessings to you, my friends, and love always. God bless you.