Messages 2016

A Prayer for those on the Path of Love

December 2nd, 2016

Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.

Father, bless these, my children, who bear the flame of Your Love, who carry the mantle of Truth within them, who are truly Your Children as they walk through this world. May Your grace enfold them, as they yearn and grow within themselves. May Your Love transform them as they go amongst their brothers and sisters. May Your blessings flow from them, that they may carry this blessed purpose to bring the seeds of Truth, to show the way of Love, to carry the Light of purity as they continue to yearn for You, my beloved Father.

Give them the nourishment that they long for, open their eyes, awaken their souls, help them to see the glories of Your presence, the wonderment of Your creation, and the beauty that is within each one. May they be a clear channel of Your Love, dear Father, in the world, bringing that gift of Truth to those who hunger and know not what they hunger for. Help them, inspire them, beloved Father, to speak the words of Truth, to express the words of Love through simple acts of comfort and kindness, gentleness as they embrace each soul they encounter. May Your hand be upon them as they seek to be with You, beloved Father. May their souls open and flower to the touch of Your Love. May they walk with the strength that comes with humility and may they act with the wisdom that comes with deep peace and may they know the joy, the fervent joy of Your wondrous presence within them.

Beloved souls, you are gifted with life and you are gifted again with life, the rebirth of your souls in Love.

Continue, beloved souls, to seek this great gift and to bring this great gift of life, of Love into your life, into your world. Allow God’s Will to flow through you with ease and grace and beauty and strength, that He will guide you as your souls grow in the wisdom of His Love and you will know what it is to be God’s channels of Love in this world. This is God’s gift to you, beloveds, not because He has pointed you out but because you have accepted this gift and you desire this gift. You have brought the grace to your beloved souls and you have asked for this blessing and God has put within you a deep desire, a longing to receive and you must acknowledge this and continue to pray for this great gift of His Love so that the transformation of your souls may be complete and the healing of your beings will bring perfect Light, joy, and peace.

Beloved souls, you have been touched by God and you shall continue to be touched and to grow in this Light. This flame that burns within you will become greater and greater as you allow God to fully embrace you in this Love, as you release those conditions that are not of Love. As you increase your faith in this simple but powerful Truth and you walk in this world trusting in God’s Will, enacting His Love in beautiful and powerful ways, you will know that there are many gifts within each one of you waiting to be expressed and amplified by His touch of Love.

Continue in your prayers and efforts, beloved souls, carry this flame, hold it on the high and declare “I am a child of God. I am a bearer of His Truth which is His Love, made manifest in my soul”. Many await your declaration, many await the true expression of your souls, many await that clear channel of God’s Love contained within you.

Continue, my beloved brothers and sisters, in your fervent efforts to declare the Truth, to live the Truth, to acknowledge how much you are loved in the embrace of God.

Beloved souls, I am with you. I am Jesus and I love you.