Messages 2016

Awaken from your slumbers

November 30th, 2016

Waianae, Hawaii

Received by Al Fike.


I am Jesus.

I come to bless you my beloveds.

It is good to hear the fullness of your hearts and gratitude from one another for God’s gifts of Love and blessings to your lives. It is good that you come together in this way. When you come in loving commitment and a deep desire to be filled with the Love of God, to know this truth as you walk forward in life, to be in this Grace, I come to you to beseech you to further awaken to the Love, to awaken within your souls and seek truth in this way. For as you step upon this Path Divine and you drink the blessed waters of God’s Love, it is inevitable that those parts of you that are asleep will awaken and come to manifest within your beings. And the angels come to toll the bell, to awaken, to open your eyes, to open your hearts, to open yourselves to God.

My beloveds, I walk with you, I will never leave you, I will direct you upon the path and you will do my work bringing this truth to mankind. I touch each one of you, my beloveds, and in this touch you are a part of this beloved family of God that walks upon the Path Divine, that seeks the glory of God and His Love through the Holy Spirit.

Your souls are touched, my beloved brothers and sisters and in this touch your lives are irrevocably changed and shall grow in this Love for all eternity. And I give each of you a gift to assist you upon this journey, to give you deeper insights into your own true beings and precious gifts which are awakening one by one from their slumbers as the great Love of God sparks and brings them alive and they will be expressed in the fullness of love and come into alignment to God’s Will.

You will know the joy, the deep joy that comes with this awakening and you will know the fulfilment that comes with serving God as His child of truth. You will know the joy of the support and love you will receive from the angels and you will know a deep peace, the peace that passes all understanding, that comes with God’s Love.

My brethren, continue to walk together, continue to walk with me, continue to gather the souls who seek this Love and to be an open channel in this world for you are sorrowfully needed and the work is great.

Beloved souls, carry the mantle of truth always, bring love forth in all that you are and all that you do. Seek God’s counsel, look to your Heavenly Father and be with Him in gracious, joyful acknowledgement that you are truly His child and will be set free as you progress in this light.

God bless you my beloveds, I am with you, I am with you always. God bless you. 