Messages 2016

For change must come, Love must bring harmony

November 28th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Hawaii, United States of America


Though you are few in numbers in this circle, you are great in power and in your efforts and in your prayers you influence many souls in this world and in my world. Many are influenced, there are many hundreds of spirits around at this time and angels surround each one of you bringing a light that is bright and intense and drawing many from the word of spirit to be a part of these circles. For those you prayed for, and for those who reside in this area there are many of their ancestors here this day, who are observing and being taught the way of God’s Love.

From each one of you a great network of light extends out to those you love, those who are connected in some way to each one, and blessings are transmitted freely with these tentacles of light across this great network.

Many are touched and influenced on the level of the soul and so your work continues, beloveds. Those dedicated to the truths of God’s Love, those with a heartfelt desire to serve, to love, to bring change into this world, to bring comfort and harmony as a channel of God’s Will and His Love touch many.

Yes, much is accomplished when you come together in this way, beloved souls. The power of prayer of each one of you coming together in harmony with a common desire to be in this light, to be utilized by God in a myriad of ways and to serve in whatever capacity is required is substantial. What a wonderful blessing it is for us in the Celestial Kingdom to come to this world in this way, to serve, to help orchestrate the many blessings, healings, the flow of light and love, and the peace that comes through your simple prayers, my beloveds. What a blessing for us, what a blessing for you, what a blessing for the many, many who are connected to you.

As you continue to pray in your circles and walk the truth of God’s love, God uses you each day, in ways you do not know, in areas where you are completely oblivious of the impact which you create as souls who have said to God “I am willing to serve you and to be in the truth of your love”. So much extends and expands out from each one of you and when you come together in groups, you increase the power of this exponentially. It is so important that you come together in prayer and when you cannot come together physically it is also important to come together at an appropriate time to pray together from your own places of residence in order to add to this power, to continue the momentum of this great force of change that is coming to the world.

For change must come. Love must bring harmony. Light must disperse the darkness. It is coming to that time in the history of this world that there is no choice but to penetrate the darkness, to bring the change that is required, to bring the harmony and to bring the souls back to God in whatever way that they so choose. Be it upon the path of the Natural Love or the path of God’s Divine Love, but chose they must a path to the light.

Too long has darkness, confusion, and error ruled this world. It is time to bring hope, to bring healing, to bring love back into the lives of those who are lost and afraid and ignorant and live in ways that they are blind and deaf so they do not see the influence of their lives, the beauty of their existence, the power of their choices, the possibilities that lay before each soul in this world.

Be an example my brothers and sisters, be an example in the world of what can be when love permeates all and throw aside those old habits and conditions brought on by a lifetime of pain and error and step into this new world, this new way of being where your souls reign supreme and inform all that you do.

As God influences each soul may that influence flow through you in powerful ways to many. Each of you has great potential, each of you expresses love in your life, each of you have many gifts, each of you possess God’s Divine Love, and each of you is faced with a choice each and every day how you will be in the world, how you can be in the world.

Yes, our free will, my beloveds, is immense, it determines so much of the outcomes of your lives and what you draw to yourselves, my beloveds. Draw goodness, draw light, draw the souls eager to know the truth, to join with you in this great journey of discovery, the flowering of your souls in love, beloveds. So much awaits.

God has a plan and purpose for each one of you. It is for you to discover this, for each purpose and each plan for your soul, of the individual. Be in the light. Know that when you come together and intensify the light, you bring yourselves closer to your Heavenly Father.

God bless you, my beloveds. God puts His hand upon your soul and lifts you up, lifts you up beloveds. God bless you.