Messages 2016

Forge that path to your souls and thereby to God

February 15th, 2016

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.

It is Augustine here. May your souls know that deep touch of the Heavenly Father redeeming your souls, bringing your souls into alignment with Truth and Love, purity and grace so that you may be a clear channel of Love in this world. Some of you feel the stirrings of your souls and you feel a deep desire to be a part of the work that is manifesting around this world, to bring greater Light and enlightenment to many souls as the world shifts and changes. This is affected by the breath of God upon it and His Will to bring all into harmony and alignment, peace and a wholesomeness that will affirm life and bring the opportunity for life for all of God’s creatures and harmony amongst mankind.

Yes, it is a great work, a challenging work and one which requires a deep dedication and a deep desire to reach for the highest. To be in alignment with God’s Will is not easy, my beloveds, for it is not easy for you to know your souls – a powerful and subtle Gift from God that brings you life. For you know your minds so well, this well-trodden place which you value and nurture and revere in many ways, the mind of man. Indeed a beautiful Gift from God, your ability to reason, to perceive and discern the material world, to move in this world, to be in this world. But mankind is both spiritual and material, two aspects of the same being and, oh, how the spiritual has been neglected. How the soul remains cloistered and restricted, encrusted with unnecessary conditions, burdened with fears and pain, rage and such suspicion that is formulated within the mind.

Beloved souls, you must forge that path to your souls, for in doing so you forge a path to God. You must set aside those conditions of the mind, those suspicions, those well thought-out ideas and understandings which are, oh, so a part of the mind’s interpretation of God’s creation and of who you are and why you are and where you are going. So much of the mind’s machinations in these regards are distorted and lack true understanding. But a soul enlivened by the Father’s Essence, His Love will open your eyes to greater Truths, will bring you closer to the answers you seek, will show you ways which the mind cannot comprehend but is indeed second nature to the soul.

So many Gifts lie within you, my beloveds, so much potential and so much knowledge of Truth is within your souls already waiting to be tapped into, acknowledged, to bubble forth into your consciousness, to flood your minds with the consciousness of the soul. Not an easy task, we know but it is a necessary task if you are to fulfil the desires of your soul and the purpose of your soul, which God has put within you and is eager to be manifest in this world and your lives. And those longings, so deep and true require your willingness to allow these powerful desires to reach God and to reach your conscious self.

My beautiful souls, beloved by God, precious beyond price with deep and great and vast beauty and possibilities, be with God, my beloveds. Be with God as much as you are able. For those moments, take this opportunity to be with God and do not allow this material world, so temporary in the stream of your life, to distract you from this purpose, this effort to be with God and to open yourselves to His abiding Love.

Yes, we see the souls in the world casting about, creating many ideas which they proclaim as truth and yet are, for the most part folly or distortions or error. Yet, we have given you the key, my beloveds, to discover great Truth, to have great understanding, to empower you with Love and in so doing to be guided by God, to be shown a path of Light and service, of beauty and grace. It is your choice, my beloveds. Do you follow that familiar mindful desire or will you follow that subtle, yet powerful longing and desire of the soul? It is your choice, which is presented to you in all Love. God does not love you less for your choices. But one will bring His Love to greater consciousness while the other brings you upon another path which does not bring this fulfillment in the Divine Love, but the fulfillment of human love, the natural love. I wish for you to know these distinctions, my friends, my students. For you need to be clear about this issue, these choices, the paths which you tread upon and where they lead and what you may gain by your efforts in these directions. We urge you to know your souls, to know them well, to know them every bit as well as your minds, and to utilize the potentials and gifts and perceptions and aspects of the soul and all the ways that are possible, for there are many possibilities, much to know, much to utilize and much to grow.

Continue, my beloveds, in your prayers for the Father’s Love for as we have told you many times this is the key to opening the door to the soul. This will bring you great rewards, peace that passes all understanding and a closeness to God unobtainable by the faculties and aspects of the natural love. Though there is a closeness to God in this pursuit of natural love, it is not the same, it is not the same and I tell you that what you will experience with God’s Love far eclipses this other love, this other connection with God. I encourage you upon the Divine Path. We eagerly await your efforts upon this Path, to make these efforts is to acknowledge the desires of your souls and the truth of God’s Love. Please continue, my beloveds, continue to walk this Path of Light and choose the Love of God. God bless you, my beloved students, your teacher Augustine loves you dearly and encourages you upon this wonderful journey to your soul and to God. God bless you.