Messages 2016

How the Gift of Love can touch a soul and change the world

January 18th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Location: Hawaii


God bless you, my children, I am Confucius.

Precious souls, God has gathered you together to pray for His Love, to be in His grace together, to experience His fellowship, to walk in this Light, to learn from one another, and to be loving and giving and generous to one another. Be the Lights, my beloveds. Be the Lights and walk in the Light.

And you pray to be a channel of God’s Love in the world, to be God’s instruments in the world. Do you know what this is, my beloveds? Do you know that God can reach another soul through you by the very fact that you possess the Love within your souls? This active agent of Love, allows God to work through you, my beloveds. And many souls are touched through you and you are not aware, but nonetheless, this touch manifests and ignites within them a longing, a longing for the Father’s Love.

And you meet many souls, my beloveds, who have a drop of Love within them and when you are with them you reinforce and make greater this longing. And depending upon the power of the Love that is within you, my beloveds, it is like a bell toll, it rings in the ears of many souls. They are triggered to come, to long, and to know this peace in a deep way, for God has touched them. God desires to touch their souls where there is hope, where there is a Light that is given that is transferred through you to many. This simple act of instrumentality is more powerful than any other gift you can bring to this world, my beloveds. It is the great Gift of Love. It is the Gift which will change the world, my beloveds. And though you have many Gifts and they are beautiful, this one Gift that you all possess and all those chosen, who are redeemed by the Father’s Love possess, is the one great instrumentality, a channel of Love that will change this world.

Nurture this Gift, my beloveds, through your prayers to receive the Father’s Love in greater abundance and the bell toll shall become stronger, deeper and more resonant. Others will feel this and the reverberations of this invitation of Love will reach further and further into this world, my beloveds, as you grow in this Light. And as the Light within you becomes brighter, as you accept this and allow this great Love to transform every part of your being, then you will become God’s instruments and channels of Love in a deep, clear way, my beloveds. This is the invitation which God extends to you, and to all the children of this world. Come drink of my Love, these living waters that will transform you and make you that great channel of Love, and a beacon of Light. It will bring you into at-onement with God, so that His Will may be done in this world and you may know this Path, and that you may wish to do this in this way. You may wish to renounce your own wilful ways and accept God’s Will and then you may walk this world as His instruments each and every day, with each and every breath, and with each and every step you will be given God’s Will, beloveds. This is what God desires for you to be in this world, this is what the world desperately needs, for the more instruments that can walk this world, ringing the bell toll of Truth and Love, the greater the impact, the agent of change, it will enliven and enlighten this life force.

Beloveds, each of you desires this and each of you struggles with this desire that comes from your souls and each of you are perplexed in your own way as to how this can be in your lives. And I tell you, my beloveds, as your soul has ascendency within your consciousness these dilemmas will disappear. Your resistance will be burned away by the power of your faith and Love, and you must allow this to be within your being. Indeed you all have your own path to go and you determine when this will happen in your lives, for you are given the gift of free will. But, my beloveds, this is your destiny. You will come to that place of knowing God’s Will, of being God’s clear and vibrant channel of Light in the world and you will walk in such grace and peace and joy that you will look back upon your lives and ask yourselves why it took so long to come to this place of great joy and peace? Why did I resist for so long? But you are human, we know this. You have many concerns and many distractions and God does not love you any less for living your lives as you so choose, but desires that you live your life within His life, His being and His Will.

So I beseech you, my beloveds, to consider that there is another way, and that you are working towards this pure and beautiful flow of your life within God’s Will. It is coming for each one of you, my beloveds. Choose this way, choose to work toward this goal to allow all the impediments that may hold you to fall away and you may know this great and wondrous Love in all its forms and that its impact upon your life will be complete and change all and bring all into alignment and harmony with God. Beloved souls, you are blessed and you are beautiful and you shall walk this world in Light, my beloveds. Confucius loves you dearly, beloved souls. I am with you often, beloveds, beloveds. Bless you.