Messages 2016

I will lead you upon the Path

September 18th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Belgrade, Serbia

God bless you, my beloveds, I am Jesus. The winds of change are blowing, my beloveds. The winds of change are blowing within your souls as the Father’s Love flows within so must there be change from within corresponding to this great blessing, beloved souls. And as you continue to allow these changes to manifest within your being, as you accept what God has placed within your souls, as you continue to allow this Love to permeate every part of you, you will be transformed, you will be made into powerful channels of Love in this world.

And, yes, your minds often speculate and wonder and create ideas of what is to be and I tell you, my beloveds, what will be will be within the Will of God and unfold in the timing of God’s great Wisdom and Plan. There will be no dramatic shifts of understanding, my beloveds. No, it will come incrementally within the flow of the Father’s Love as it continues to change you, beloveds, and create within you a new reality, a new way of seeing the world, a new way of knowing God. And as this transformation continues so will your life transform as you choose differently, as you see differently, as you walk this world as a channel of God’s Love. Do not overburden your minds with speculation. Do not allow fear to taint what is pure within you. Do not judge your brothers and sisters. Walk with integrity. Be at peace. Give love to all you meet.

This is what God asks of you, my beloveds. This is what I have taught you and this is the great Path Divine. May your feet ever be firmly on this Path, beloveds, carrying you to many unknown destinations. Doors will open, love will flow, peace will reign within you, joy will be your call each day, the joy of a life lived within the Will of God. You will find your way, beloveds. Do not worry of things you cannot change or influence, but listen to your guidance and walk that road that God intends for you, my beloveds, and all will be well, all will be well upon this wondrous journey that is your life, that is the gift that God has given you, that is your beautiful soul shining forth in a world of darkness.

I bless you upon your journey, beloveds. I am with you as you walk, as you continue to pray, and desire to be in the flow of God’s Love. I walk with you and I shall never leave you, my beloveds. You are my brothers and sisters. You carry the truth of God’s Love in this world and as such you are my disciples.

Carry yourself with this knowledge, with dignity and grace, truth and love, peace and comfort. Walk in this way, beloveds. Do not compromise the Truth but may each day commemorate your love for God. May each day be a reflection of this higher beautiful soul that you are. Do not allow the human condition to enter into this for God needs loving examples in the world to show the other children who are lost a way out of their dilemmas, a way out of their pain, and their confusion, and their fear.

My beloveds, you have chosen this, this mission and I will lead you upon the Path as will many angels who walk with you, beautiful angels that surround you always. You will find your way and you will be free of the encumbrances of the human condition. I bless you, my beloveds, and in the grace of God’s Love so shall you go, your footsteps guided, your souls shining with the Love of God. Be at peace, beloveds. Be at peace.