Messages 2016
Jesus brings his blessing to the group
November 27th, 2016
Received by: Al Fike
Hawaii, United States of America
I come to bless you, my beloveds, and I come to bless you on your road to your salvation for as you journey upon this road many will follow you, my beloveds. As you continue to seek the Father’s Love and know of all the wonderment and glories of this Love. You will share with others this great, wondrous truth and enfold them in it as God’s instruments of Love. Blessings to you beloved souls, my sisters and brothers who walk this journey, that you all walk to atonement with God. I am with you, I shall always be with you and may the Father’s deep and abiding peace be with you, my beloveds. May his great light enfold you. God bless you, God bless you beloved souls.