Messages 2016

Luke welcomes those who are a part of the Punnalu’u gathering

November 28th, 2016

Hawaii, United States of America

Received by Al Fike.

May the Father’s Love find a constant inflowing into your souls my friends, that you may feel His presence in your heart always. And may you walk in the light of His protection and love always, and may you know the joy and freedom of a soul unburdened and pure in love.

We welcome you to the circle, this time in prayer, this time with God and I must say, that each of you has something to give to your brothers and sisters here and each of you has something to learn from your brothers and sisters in this circle.

Continue to observe and be together as you form your bonds, and form this Circle of Light. Be open in your hearts and minds and souls. Be open to God’s guidance, listen deeply, love fully, care for one another, cherish these opportunities that God has given you to be together in this way and increase the light amongst you, within you and around you.

Through your prayers and intentions, your thoughts and your deeds, act in loving ways and give in generous ways. Be at peace, seek love in all things, walk together; for these moments, how precious are they, my beloveds, to be together in this way. A gift from God and God wishes for you to grow within your souls, to shift in your thinking, to be more open with one another. For each of you comes from a different life experience, a different perspective, yet, each one of you is touched by God’s Love and this Love is what binds you together and brings you to a place of common understanding and experience, to receive this Love, this gift, to walk in this light together, to allow God’s Will to flow amongst you, binding you together in loving experiences and prayers and healing joy.

Drink deep, my friends, drink deep the waters of God’s Love and know that you are indeed in His light, His presence and you are nourished in this way. All those you pray for will be touched and comforted, healing will spread out to many. This is part of your effort and dedications together.

God bless you beloveds, I am Luke. I love you. You are truly blessed. God bless you.