Messages 2016

Many Are with You in Your Efforts

September 11th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Belgrade, Serbia

Bless you, beloveds. You did well with the gathering (In Frankfurt) for you planted seeds within those souls who attended and I must tell you that there were many spirits with you at that time in which seeds were planted. In this simple way you do God’s work. You bring the Truth, you speak the Truth, you pray the Truth, and you sit listening in a circle of Light for God to respond, and indeed God did respond and Touch each soul. It is not for you to determine their fate, their choice, but you, in a loving way, offered the Truth as simply and powerfully as you could. Therefore, you have done God’s Will and you need not question your endeavours in any way but to continue to seek inspiration and guidance, to touch the souls you feel drawn to and who are drawn to you and to offer this experience for those who may be interested. Circles of Light, beloveds. Yes, Circles of Light. They form in accordance to God’s Will and the desire of others who are drawn. You will be inspired. You will continue to bring together souls who are curious, souls who are longing, souls who desire comfort, souls who desire truth. This will continue.

And my son, when I began my ministry I was shunned. Many turned away from me thinking me not right within my mind, but I persisted and I prayed intensely and I sought out God and did not pay much attention to the judgements of others who did not understand and could not understand the true longings of my soul. Only God knows this and only God can respond to this. So even though you may be shunned by others, others may turn away from you, do not lose heart but continue to be persistent and as the Light grows within you and the wisdom grows within you, you will make that connection with others in beautiful ways that will draw them into this Light and Truth. It is your destiny. You feel it; you know it; you have seen it and you will express it but you must continue to grow and to grow into this role as a teacher and a healer. And it is good that you reach out to your brothers and sisters who understand and know the struggles that you face and continue to do so, my beloved brother. Continue, continue to pray and to be steadfast in your truth and God will show you the way as he did me, as he has done many through the ages.

Your work just begins, beloved son, and it will unfold slowly to begin with. You must be patient, trusting in God’s Will and timing and all will be well. After all, you have the angels of heaven with you in this effort. You have your brothers and sisters on this Earth with you in your efforts. Do not hesitate to reach out for this support and love that surrounds you. You are worthy. You are beautiful. You are loved. And I would suggest that you say these three things to yourself often to counteract these negative thoughts that have been placed within you: you are worthy, you are loved, and you are beautiful, and so you are my son, and so you are. God bless you. I am your friend who died, Francis and I am with you often and I love you.