Messages 2016

On being a comforter in this world

January 4th, 2016

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


I am Seretta Kem and I come to guide you upon those questions and efforts that you have made to bring healing to this world. I would ask you to consider, my beloveds, what motivates you when you come together in this way to bring healing to the world? Is it your minds or is it your souls?

Undoubtedly your answer would be both and the motivation to bring healing to the world is a desire that originates from your soul. It is a longing and a yearning to bring comfort to many. It is a reflection of the Father’s Love within you.

And your mind has in its origins an ambition to structure, direct, create what this will look like in the world. Now, my beloveds, is this necessary, to bring about a somewhat dogmatic idea, to a flow of God’s Love and healing in the world? No, my beloveds, surely it is not, for there are many ways to bring healing, my beloveds, and I have talked on this in the past, many, many ways. But the most powerful way is through sincere prayer allowing God’s beautiful healing to flow through you and through this group, through the channel created through this group to those places in the world that are in need, those individual souls which you are aware of and not aware of who require this Touch from God.

It is good to place those names within your minds within this beautiful bowl for healing for others. It is good to have the proper intention which starts with the soul, my beloveds, it does not start with the mind. You are required to be within this flow, in harmony, in alignment, resonating, reaching for the highest and when you get bogged down with your mental constructs, your ideas of what this is, you bring yourselves to another level that is not of the highest and in so doing, through the laws of attraction you bring in other influences which will reinforce these concepts and ideas. This is the simple workings of spirit communication, my beloveds, of spirit influence which you would do well to keep in mind whenever you form a group, for the power of the group is great, it draws in many influences if there is not that singleness of purpose, reaching for God’s Love, it will bring in many who are not of that path, our path, and you must be aware of this, my beloveds, for all must be on the highest Path, do you not agree? And walking within that Light, operating within that flow, drawing the angels close, working together, bringing the beautiful gift of healing to this world.

Yes, we have asked you to form a group for this purpose of healing and you have complied with our request and I daresay that each intention is pure and beautiful, but because you are human and live in this Earth plane it is easy to misconstrue your intentions, to have scattered and disparate concepts as to what your actions will be. I say to you, my beloveds, it is a challenge, but you have not failed in your first attempt, not by any means, but there is a great potential there, which if you bring together the aspirations of your souls in harmony seeking God’s Will, seeking the flow of God’s loving Touch and healing and peace, you will accomplish the task of bringing Light to this world so in need, so in need.

So I will ask you, my beloveds, do not seek to satisfy those concepts and hazy thoughts of what you are to do from your mind’s perspective. Seek your soul, the desires of your soul. This is simple, my beloveds. Each of you has received God’s Love in abundance. This is not difficult or complicated, it is a simple and beautiful act of Love in the world and it is for each of you to say to each other: “I am here because I love my Heavenly Father. I wish to be a channel of Love and healing into the world with all of you who are my brothers and sisters and if we sit down and pray together for this, my soul, the power of my faith, the wonderment of the Love that You have put within me tells me that this shall be so. God shall use me and you and all of us in this great effort to serve the world as a healing channel within the world as God will use each one of you individually, in many different ways, as you live your daily lives in His world. God will use you.”

And would it not be a beautiful thing that you are used within every breath for this purpose, a channel of Love, a channel of healing and comfort to speak the wisdom of Love, the truth of Love, to act in this way always, to be upon that higher level of being in this world? In this way you would not only be a channel to assist those who are injured but be a comforter and a speaker of truth. If you were to live in this way, my beloveds, each and every day, with each and every breath, you would change the world. It does not take many souls to be in this beautiful condition, to walk in this way, to bring a great power of Love. Is this not a noble ambition to be within yourselves in harmony with your Heavenly Father and with His Love, His Grace, His Touch through you to make that change that must come which God desires to be so in this world? And you, my beloveds, within your souls know this and feel the power of this and are willing to enact God’s will in this way.

God bless, God bless you, my beloved, beautiful souls, who seek so earnestly to serve God, who have beautiful Light, who see those who suffer in the world and wish to serve them in Love. God bless you, my beloveds, you are Lights and you will grow and understand through all the experiences of your lives and all of that which you do together to bring greater Light into this world. Beloved souls, continue in your efforts and seek the highest, seek to be a channel of Love always and God will guide you and collect you together for many different purposes and has done so many times and will do so many more. Beloveds, I love you. I am Seretta Kem and I assist you in your efforts to bring healing to this world. It is my honor, privilege and gift to assist you in this way and I love you, beloved souls. I love you. God bless you. 