Messages 2016

On Receiving Guidance

July 4th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Gibsons, B.C. Canada


Precious souls, I come. I am Jesus and I was with you upon your walk in the forest and I heard your words questioning the guidance given and how it is given and to whom it is given, and the words that were spoken. One must understand that messages and guidance given through a medium are often colored by that individual and represents an approximation of what is intended to be given.

This is not to say that what comes through is in error, for this is not true. But the complete truth cannot be given through a soul that is not entirely cleansed and purified by the Love and at the level of a celestial angel. And none of you here, my beloveds, have this level of progression within your souls, though bright and beautiful they may be. And you are certainly upon this road that will lead to at-onement with God. Each of you also carries the human condition within you and the variations of your culture and that which is within your minds. So it is simple to give a message of Love and this is often repeated to assure you of these Truths and to guide you upon this Path Divine. And at times, we give more detailed messages and I must say through this instrument we have been satisfied with the quality of those messages given, although they are not entirely perfect for there are no perfect mediums in this world, but they are of a high quality, befitting of a soul imbued with God’s Love. And I wish to assure you, my daughter, that what has been conveyed through this instrument has the quality of truth and has a purpose and will bear fruit in time.

We are very happy, that you, my beloved souls gather together in this way to seek truth, to seek God’s Love, to grow in this way. And each of you have many gifts to share and many gifts that are coming to fruition within you. And you will find as you progress down this Path, as you manifest these gifts, as the change happens within you and you feel your individual callings in the world you will find that others will wish to criticise and push back upon your efforts and this is a reflection of the human condition and for some a sense of jealousy and competition. You must love all those who would criticise you, all those who do not believe you, all those who are angry and accuse you of many things, for I, too, was the object of such ridicule when I walked the Earth. I, too, struggled with these conditions so prevalent in the world. And it is not for others to judge you, my beloveds. No, judgement does not play a part in this work and effort to be a channel of Love in the world, to do my work in this world. No, God loves all of you. The angels surround you with love. You are protected. It is only when you allow the criticism of others, the negative thoughts of others, to bruise you, where you feel the pangs of their intention, that you allow negativity to enter into your being. You are not perfect. They are not perfect. But you are all making a great effort to live a life imbued with goodness and grace and in this way you must be tolerant and patient, compassionate and loving and not sling those arrows back to another. Merely smile and love, for you know within yourselves that you are a child of God, that you are on this Path of Love, and that God uses you as His channel of Love whenever you permit this, and this happens very often with many of you. Be comforted by this thought. Do not let your own minds venture towards criticism, for none are perfect and each whom you attempt to criticise is often full of good intention and at times this intention is misplaced. It is perverted by the mind yet the soul desires to bring love and yes I know you struggle with your minds, those parts of you so analytical, so seeking perfection, wanting everything to be right and orderly within your life.

My beloveds, you seek to sail your ship upon calm waters and I say these waters are not calm they are choppy indeed. They are disturbed by the thought conditions of billions of souls struggling often in error and unloving conditions. You cannot hope to sail your ship upon the calm waters for they do not exist in this world, only in that place between you and your Heavenly Father is there that great and deep peace, that loving connection and there you must go, my beloveds, for your sustenance, your truth and to release those negative thoughts and conditions which bedevil you.

Beloved souls, you know the way, you know the course you must take and you must make efforts to quell the disturbances of your mind and feed the peace that lies within your souls and in this way you will find what you are looking for, you will find great rewards and much joy no matter what the waters of life bring to you and toss about you, you will be a calm centre in these rough waters and a beacon of Light and hope and comfort and assurance for those around you. This I promise you, for the power of God’s Love will bring you great peace, abiding, powerful peace, deep, resonant, beautiful peace.

God bless you, my beloveds. I am Jesus and I am with you more often than you know. And I know your struggles. I know what lies within your hearts and I have a deep love for every child who seeks the Truth and who wishes to manifest Love in their lives. I am with you and I love you. God bless you, beloved souls. God bless you.