Messages 2016

Pray from your heart

December 7th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.


By the grace of God, I give you my blessings, it is Jesus.

My brethren, do not spend time worrying about how you pray, for a prayer is a prayer is it not? And a prayer from the heart, a longing from the soul is a longing to God. You need not worry as to how this longing is presented to God for God knows your longing before you know your longing.

He cares for you each day, He nurtures your light and He surrounds you with his bountiful blessings. Each and every one is within the embrace of our Heavenly Father. Do not worry for those who are entangled within the dogma of religion. Each soul will find their way to God in some way, it is not your responsibility to lead the soul in error to light, it is your responsibility to lead your own soul into the light and in so doing you become an example for other souls and it then becomes their choice to open their eyes and to see. They must open their eyes, my beloveds, and so you must open your hearts and look to the source of Love. Beseech your Heavenly Father to touch you deeply with His Essence, to bring the changes that are necessary within yourselves. As you pray together, your responsibility is indeed to reach to God and to ask God to bless you and to ask God to bless others, beloveds, as he blesses you so he shall bless those who are connected to you.

This is not complicated, no, this is so simple and powerful and thou you may not see the effects of your prayers there are indeed many, many blessings that pour through you and amongst you, pour from you to others and in your prayers together, in harmony, in one voice you bring the angels into your midst, you are God’s active agents bringing blessings to many. This is your responsibility as a group, my beloveds, to reach to God to bring this light forth amongst you and allow God and His instruments of love to work in this world.

Do not worry for the lost souls, do not feel responsible for those who create darkness in this world. Do not think you can change another as you can only pray and ask for the light to shine within yourself as a lantern and as you walk in the world you will be a light and God will direct you and guide you as you continue to be a light and hold dear within yourselves the truth of His Love as you continue to grow in this Love and release all those things within you that are not of love.

Yes, your eyes will open, many gifts will come forth and you will walk with a new vision, where all of the questions of the mind are answered and where all in the flow of Love will be directed in harmony and in powerful ways as God directs you and uses you as His channel of Love.

Indeed, there are trying times coming for this world. A time of change and flux and you have been brought together to be replenished and nourished, strengthened and to strengthen your bonds together for indeed you will need one another and you will work together to bring the simple truth as you walk in love, in light together. Be clear within yourselves what is truth, do not be confused, do not doubt but build your faith, your trust in your Heavenly Father and know confusion and doubt will fall away. You will know deep knowings, deep understandings of truth. You will know as you walk in the world what you must do, what you must say, how you must be, where you will be. The flow of God’s Will working within you, beloveds.

It requires faith. It requires a deep strength within you and an understanding that God indeed requires your acknowledgement to acquiesce to His Will as you love Him more deeply, doing so becomes an easy and joyful task and in this you will not lose yourselves but gain an entire universe of joy and truth and peace.

My beloveds, I am with you, I continue to walk with you, to love you as my own, for you are my own. The family of God’s children who seek to express His Love. Walk with me and know that you are safe, you are guided and you are in the light. There is nothing you need but the nourishment, the living waters of the Father’s Love. All else will come with this great and deep blessing. All else flows from this Love and you know this. Be with this Love, for this Love comes as you build light within you and amongst you.

God bless you, my beloveds.