Messages 2016
Shedding many skins as the Love transforms you
May 9th, 2016
Received by: Al Fike
West Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Hello, my students, I am Augustine, your teacher, and I see some of you struggle with the human condition, that which is within you and that which is all around you. These conditions, these negativities, these conditions which are not created by God but are created by all those around you, by the conditions of humanity, layer upon layer of error and darkness, confusion and anger, depression. So many struggle. So many in your world are confused and are in deep need. They do not know where to turn for answers and most often those in your world turn to substances which make the mind at ease but does not truly bring peace to the soul.
And I tell you, beloved souls, it is in these blessings which you pray for, in this pursuit of God, in the opening of yourselves to your Heavenly Father that you will find the peace that you seek andyou will find the joy that awaits all souls who are open to this great Gift of Love. For in this Gift comes a deep healing and cleansing of the soul, an upliftment where all those conditions which are invariably a part of each individual soul, inherited from generations, created by your own choices, absorbed by the environment of this world - all of these conditions - will be dissolved, eradicated, expunged from your soul through the power of this Love. No other blessing can truly do this. This is the way of redemption of which our Master Jesus spoke. This is the true Path to God, to an at-onement that goes on for all eternity, my beloveds. And though your mind may doubt and resist and have trouble understanding the power of this Love and the effects of this Love, your souls, my beloveds, your souls know this to be true and have the capacity and the ability to receive this Love, to be in alignment with the flow of this Love and to be healed completely with this Touch from God.
Beloved souls, if you do but one prayer do it with a desire to receive this Gift and I promise you there will be great changes within you, powerful healings, waves of joy and revelation as your souls are enlivened by this Touch from God, His Essence, to open and become free from the encumbrances of the human condition, from the sin and error which all mankind carries.
It is such a great burden you all carry, my beloved souls. It is a struggle to lift yourselves up, to seek with earnestness and great effort to walk in Light, to be free from your pain, to know from deep within the truth, to walk in joy, and to give love to all you meet. This, my beloveds, this is what is promised with this Gift and many of you in this circle have indeed experienced and understand and have lived this truth for many years and know of its veracity and power, its grace and its beauty.
Continue, beloved souls, to walk in this way, to be ever closer to God and to allow all of that which is not in harmony with this Love to fall away, for it will and it must It can only do this because love and anger, love and error, love and pain, love and the human condition cannot abide together for very long and love is stronger, my beloveds. It is powerful. It must bring your soul into alignment with Light and truth, joy and wisdom. It must and it will. As you shed these skins of error you will feel the difference. You will walk more lightly upon this world. You will experience greater and deeper joy and you will see the truth with eyes of your souls. This must be. It must be and will be and will open in harmony with each individual soul, walking their unique paths in this world and to God. It will come. Have faith, beloveds. Be strong and know with a deep compassion for yourselves that you are with each day and with each prayer becoming lighter, more in harmony, receiving greater inflowings of God’s great Love. Do not condemn yourselves for those parts you are aware are indeed not in harmony with God’s Love, but pray to release, to let go, to allow God’s Love to replace these things within you and it shall, it shall be so.
God bless you, beloved souls. Your teacher Augustine has great love for all of you, is pleased to see this circle grow and become a place of Light in this world so in need of Light. I am pleased at your efforts and I love you. God bless you, and good night.