Messages 2016

Struggle of Soul and Mind

March 10th, 2016

Selah, W.A. U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.

My dear, beloved souls, you struggle so between your souls and your minds. Your soul is with God, each of you, my beloveds. Your soul is with God, and your minds are often with mankind and the conditions of humanity and this causes a struggle within you.

At times you are able to be harmonious between these two aspects of yourself and at other times you are in conflict and you create a tension within yourselves and you are restless with this tension and your mind asks “What shall I do Father? I will do this; I will do that; I will do the next thing.” But your souls say “I will follow you, Father. Tell me what to do.” And this is where you must go in your consciousness to discover your next steps in life, go to the soul. For the mind may come up with many different plans, imagine many different outcomes, create many different ideas and structures, but I tell you all of this is for naught if it does not flow in the harmony of God’s Will. You must first go to your souls. Ask the question of what you must do from that place of soul awareness and I know this is difficult for some of you. Your minds, which are filled with thoughts and ideas, tend to want to take the spotlight in your being and want the power to choose, but you must acquiesce, you must go to your souls. And indeed this is a struggle to go to that place of knowing rather than believing, of seeing rather than creating a reality, a place of peace rather than agitation and casting about for many answers.

We are helping you to do this, my beloveds, to plumb the depths of your souls. To be in that place of surety and security with God you must allow yourselves to go to that place, the deep peace that is there and the awareness of your Heavenly Father who has much to give you in guidance and Love, peace, and healing. Then as you walk this Earth you become a beacon of Light, an anchor for those who are afraid and alone, and a place of Light which is your being to walk in this world.

Do you not feel God’s peace within you at this moment? And your minds are still, your bodies are refreshed. Beloveds, this is where you are meant to be. This is what you must promote within your self and your lives and everything else will fall into place as you receive the Father’s Love and the Father’s Touch and guidance and blessings. All else will fall into place, my beloveds. There is no need for worry and concern and judgment and fear, only joy and peace and a deep well of wisdom and knowing that will guide you forward. And when the steps are taken you will know the rightness of these steps. It will not feel like you are falling into an abyss, that you have lost control, no, my beloveds. It will feel like you are gaining true understanding and knowing with each step. It is not an experiment. It is an act of faith, an act of faith that will bring you forward into the Light evermore, evermore until you will look back and wonder why you allowed your mind so much to diminish your souls. God wants you to be led by your soul which is led by Him. This is the key, this is where you must step and all will be in harmony and the true insights, knowledge, and guidance will come with each step you take in this direction.

Beloved souls, you are loved, you are nurtured, you are taught, you are shown the way, you are blessed with the mighty essence of God. There will be no failures, there will be triumphant, glorious, wondrous outcomes to your lives, my beloveds, that you walk in true faith in this glorious Love guided by the knowing of your soul.

Beloveds, be at peace and know that all is well and shall continue in the Light of God’s Will and Love. God bless you, I am your teacher Augustine and I am pleased with your efforts to bring Love to this world, to yourselves, to all you meet. Precious souls, continue in this way. Continue for you are blessed. God bless you. God bless you.