Messages 2016

The budding potentials of our souls

November 29th, 2016

Received by: Al Fike

Hawaii, United States of America

I too will join you in your prayers and your efforts. My dear mate, my beloved, I’m with you often and I join you in your prayers. There is a lot of work for you to do, my beloved. It’s coming, you will all feel what is coming. (Reference to J.W. and the spirit is Care who he was married to.)

You all need to learn to let go of those things in your mind, your expectations of what will be, what must be. You must allow God to orchestrate your efforts, to allow his beautiful will to manifest in your lives and in your efforts together. It is like you see the bud of the rose which is closed, so you see the color and you see an indication of the form but until the rose opens you cannot truly see it’s details and beauty and so it is with this work, the bud is swelling. It begins to open one petal at a time but you do not truly see the form, God’s intent, and the beauty that God created and the plan that God has for each one of you and all of you together.

This is coming. Every day you will come to know a little more, with another petal exposed, another addition to this beautiful form, its colors rich. Appreciate each petal, appreciate each day, appreciate what God gives you with each day and know that as the flower unfolds, the true knowledge will come, the efforts that you are meant to make will come to fruition.

But, if you decide to plan for God, you will divert your efforts and when you allow God to plan for you all will unfold in harmony and often surprisingly so for God has the best intention for all. For you and all of us who serve God it is a gift to be a part of His great plan, to serve in love and to know the power of His love manifest in all of us in all its beauty and glory.

There are thousands upon thousands of roses, unique, each one. Unique in color and form. A sea of roses, in beauty, in grace, a magnificent creation of God. You are all a beautiful rose and each one of you will flower and show that beauty and be magnificent in that beauty and form and color and light.

Oh my friends if you could only see with the eyes of your soul, all of your worries and cares would fall away and you would be gloriously happy, knowing that God has you firmly in His embrace and is nurturing each one in the beautiful, wondrous ways of your beautiful soul.

I love you, I’m with you. I will continue to be with you and I pray for each and every one of you, each and every day. I pray that you will continue to walk in the light of His Love and of the glory that of His Creation and be that beautiful flower you are destined to be. A rose by any other name still a rose.

God bless you, I love you, I love you, I love you all. God bless you.