Messages 2016

The challenges that come with soul growth

December 5th, 2016

Oahu, Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.

I doubt you will have trouble hearing my voice today and it is good that you pray for one another to allow the healing energies and the blessings to flow freely amongst yourselves.

Beloved souls, each member of this little circle is precious to God and each has work to do for the Heavenly Father. So, I would urge you not to focus on any individual but to focus on every individual in your circle. Pray for them. Pray for their continued advancement in the love, that their souls grow and expand in this love, that their souls awaken in this love. For it is crucial that each of you who are able, will step forward in the light of service and that their channels as channels of love be developed fully and clearly.

For God has much work to do for those who are willing. This world is in great need of transformation, of healing, of light, and God has set in motion a change agent that will bring about a balancing of the world, a healing of this planet and in so doing he has made his clarion call to those who will listen. Step forth in the world of truth, be in that flow of Love, His Love, take up the challenge. For all about you, even in this precious place, there is a need for healing and truth, goodness and harmony.

For unfortunately, wherever mankind has put their feet, they have brought not harmony but have created many challenges in the world. They have confronted the natural world with ideas and ambitions, and personal desires, and many other aspects that are not of God and have stressed many places upon this world to the point of breaking.

And you, my emissaries, my beautiful souls, you are aware of this, you know the world is in deep need and you have come to God in deep need to be healed, to bring balance to yourself, to bring Love to your soul, to bring truth to your minds. And I say to those who have walked this road for some distance; continue to pray for this world, continue to pray for all those who are connected to you, continue to pray for yourselves, that your eyes may be opened fully, that your hearts may glow in love, that your efforts be blessed in this world and that God will guide you.

The time approaches where you will be called upon in ways that you cannot truly see at this time but you will be called upon, my beloveds, to do and to be in ways that are effective, powerful and difficult. For to bring change into the world is not an easy task, no my beloveds. You feel the joy of being together this day, a gift from God, a beautiful gift from God and you all love one another and you make great effort to accommodate one another, to pray together in this way and to bring this light, this beautiful light amongst you.

When you go out in the world you will find many challenges, as you well know, and others who do not understand your message, many who turn away, some who are able to agree with you, to be with you, yet you must persist, my beloveds. God gives you the gift of your time together to replenish and to heal, to strengthen and to teach. This has a purpose, my beloveds, these great efforts made by the angels, by God, to enfold you in His Love, to give to you all that you require to be strong and in the light, is for a purpose and that purpose has many aspects to it, one, of course, is to bring you into alignment with God for your own personal blessing and growth and benefits. There are also other responsibilities that come with this great blessing, to walk in the world in harmony, to be guided by God, to enact His Will in this world. It is easy for you to envelope yourself in your own little worlds, safe, filled with love and comforts, joy and peace. Yes, my beloveds, this is the easy part, but the difficult and challenging part is when you go into the world to fight the darkness to bring into harmony those challenging conditions, the wrongs in the world, and this is difficult. There are many who need you but if you are not out amongst mankind there is no way that God can use you as a channel to touch others and it is not for you to decide, to formulate how this will be accomplished, this connection to many souls who are in need of this channel of Love that must be utilized in many different ways. No, my beloveds, it is for you to listen to God in those times when you are enwrapped in light and feel the comfort and the peace in your communion with your Heavenly Father.

In these times God will direct you, His quiet voice will ring forth into your consciousness and direct you and it is your choice whether you will listen and enact the guidance given, it is always your choice. If you refuse, it does not mean that God loves you any less, no my children, God will always love you but when you pray “Dear Father make me an instrument of your peace, a channel of your love” you are asking God to direct you, to open those channels of service in your life and in accordance to your gifts, your personalities, your desires, the light within your souls. God will utilize you in wise and wondrous ways in this world to serve, to make contact with other souls, to bring healing, and comfort, and truth, and love.

And it does mean that you must put aside your biases and your fears., your feelings of inadequacy and to accept that you are loved, that you are truly loved and that you are precious in God’s sight. Accept that in the Love that God has put within you comes a strength and wisdom and knowing that will refute those parts within yourselves which doubt, which criticize, which turn inward in negativity.

As your souls becomes activated in the Love, those other things which reside within your minds must be released for the conflict that they create between your mind and your soul makes your life very difficult and uncomfortable. You must allow, as our dear brother prays, for your soul to take ascendency over your mind. This is the key, my beloveds, we continue to teach this truth, the power of the soul, the wonderment of the soul. As this transformation takes effect within you and you feel its effects, you know it is changing you and that your mind begins to acquiesce to your soul, you are well on your way to becoming that beautiful channel that God so desires you to be. Expressing all those beautiful potentials that God has put within you, my beloveds, and being utilized in surprising ways.

Your life will change because what is important to you, what is foremost in your consciousness will change and the soul will expand into every part of your being as the Love ignites your beautiful soul and brings new awarenesses, new understandings, and those desire of the mind fall away and the knowings of the soul replaces and brings a new perspective into you. Many of you are on the verge of this more powerful knowing, your minds continue to resist yet you come together because your souls draw you together to reinforce this new awakening that you may remove your old garments and don new garments of light.

Beloved souls, each of you are beautiful, each of you carries a great potential and each of you are needed by God to bring healing, and truth, and love to this world. And I know you have trouble reconciling this invitation with your own perceptions of who you are, but I tell you, your souls know, your souls easily understand and you must come to that place of allowing your souls to take that place of precedence, accepting the truth that you carry within you my beloveds, and from there you will see the unfolding and awakening of a new life, a life guided by God, where all unfolds in harmony with His Will. And I know that you all want this, my beloveds, you all yearn for this, yet each of you in some way is frightened of the possibility of these tremendous changes that will take place within you and around you. You are nervous or you are doubtful, whatever the case, you must put aside these feelings and doubts and accept your destinies in the light.

This is the power of God’s Love acting within you, my beloveds. It is inevitable and because you are still human there is resistance and this battle that takes place within you. And I tell you, my beloveds, every angel has in some part of their existence encountered these very dilemmas and some carry these dilemmas for a very long time while others have gladly removed their old cloaks and donned the cloaks of light swiftly. It is your choice, the pace of your own progression, but what I see amongst you, that each of you has a beautiful light, each of you has at this moment what you require to make this transition of consciousness, to readjust your focus and your priorities so that they are more in alignment with God’s Will and existence and this is what is desperately required in this world, those who are willing to accept the truth and to live it fully. Can you do this, my beloveds, are you willing, are you open to a new way of being, are you willing to allow your minds to be infused with a new consciousness that will forever change you? Yes, this is a deep challenge, a crucial challenge, a difficult challenge but you have chosen within your souls to take up this challenge and for it to truly change you. And it will, provided you go to your Heavenly Father for sustenance, for His Love. It is inevitable and it will unfold in harmony and I pray for you as do all the angels in the heavens, my beloveds, all the angels in the heavens pray that you will make this transformation. That you will allow it to take place for it is crucial, it is necessary and it has the potential to not only change you, my beloveds, but to change the world.

For as you walk in the world a transformed and beautiful soul the manifestations of God’s Love and healing and blessings will be mighty indeed through you and all about you. So we pray for you, my beloveds, many, many angels watch you and watch over you and assist you in whatever way that they can. And there are others in the world who are also being watched and carried and assisted and you will all join together one day in a great movement that cries out for healing of this world.

It begins, you begin, the transformation begins. Be in this world but not of this world, my beloveds. Be God’s beautiful channels of love. God bless you, your teacher Augustine loves you and I am with you, never to leave always to love. God bless you.