Messages 2016

The Importance of Prayer

March 25th, 2016

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.

Beloved souls, it is your teacher Augustine here.

I wish to encourage you to continue in your efforts to gather souls together in prayer. Whatever purpose you may put upon that prayer is of your own choice as long as it is within the desires of your soul and these prayers are sincere. For each sincere prayer given to God will strike the mark and obtain a response from your Heavenly Father. Each prayer that you have has import and purpose and effects in this world. Each time you come together in prayer has an effect in this world, it brings greater Light, it affects the environment around you, it affects you and it is important that you continue to come together in prayer in ways and means to bring about change in this world.

God places His hand upon you, my beloved, beautiful souls. He beseeches you to pray and to act in Love, and to grow in your souls, and to seek your guidance, and to enact that guidance within your lives. And you begin to listen more intently and you begin to formulate a clearer understanding of God’s Will so your souls grow in the Love. There will be more guidance, more promptings, more efforts for prayer, for healing and for Love.

Utilize this channel, this portal of Light in the world, and bring circles and centers of Light into the world. And each time you come together in prayer you strengthen this Light, you bring greater Light, you grow your souls and you clarify within yourselves what it is you are to do and the purpose that God has placed within you becomes more powerfully evident.

So I encourage you, my dear students, to continue to pray as you do, and when you feel prompted to pray, please do so. When you feel prompted to bring others together in prayer, please do so, for these times are precious and important, and have purpose. You will know, my beloved students, when you must come together in this way and for what purpose you will be guided, God will guide you, you will know, it will be clear and you will feel the joy within your souls as you comply to God’s Will and put forth your prayers in earnest longing and clear intention. All will be given to the souls who do indeed reach out to God in prayer. God bless you, beloved souls. Your teacher Augustine is always with you. God bless you.