Messages 2016

The path you walk together

January 13th, 2016

Hawaii, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.

God has brought you together, my beloveds. He has opened this door because your soul longings have brought you into this communion with one another and your desires to serve God, to be a channel of His Love, to be in that flow of His Will are in harmony with one another, my beloveds. You are truly brothers and sisters in this beloved flow of the Father’s Love and care and keeping, for each one of you. And each of you, my beloveds, step upon a new threshold, a new opening that you may express your purpose in this world, that God will use you in powerful ways, that you will reach many, many souls together upon this Path that you have chosen, the Divine Path.

You will walk hand-in-hand in this wondrous journey and work to bring the Truth of God’s Love to mankind and to be a part of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. Do you not feel the joy that is percolating within your souls? This knowing that you are perched upon a new phase, a new chapter in your lives, a deeper opening of your souls, a more beautiful expression of your beings, and a true acknowledgement of your Gifts and purpose in this world. Much awaits you, my beloveds. Much awaits you and you wonder, how and when and why and where. And I say to you, my beloveds, do not let your minds run away with your imagination. Allow your souls to inform your minds. Be contemplative. Be within yourself and be with God as you ask for His guidance, as you ask for Him to open your souls to a greater inflowing of His Love and in this will come all the answers you require. All that is meant to be will be, my beloveds, in this glorious flow of Light and Love which you have joined together to participate in and to enact God’s Will in your lives.

Do you not see that God has cleared away the obstacles for each one of you, my beloveds? And you worry for the material and you need not worry, my beloveds, you need not worry, for provisions will be made and doors will be opened and Love will flow into all and every aspect of your lives and your work, and it will become clear and the simplicity of it all will become clear.

My beloveds, seek ye the Kingdom of Heaven and all shall come unto you and you know this, you have seen this in your own lives. You have put your pursuit of the Father’s Love as the cornerstone of your life and now you will teach this, demonstrate this as you walk upon this world, wherever you go will be an opportunity to be a teacher, a healer, a Light touching many souls.

Go with your guidance and inspiration, my beloveds. Do not hold back. Know that when the Love is with you and you can feel God’s Love coursing through you, that you are meant to be with whatever individual is placed before you, and whatever opportunity is laid before you. This will be your signal, this will be God showing you, indicating the service you are to perform for that particular moment, for that particular day. And as you do this, as you accept this way of being, my beloveds, all will fall into place, all will be clear, there will be no doubts or confusion and you will walk in faith, my beloveds. Walk with faith and a surety in your step and a joy in your heart and a singing within your soul that praises your Heavenly Father who has given you this wonderful gift of life and Love and insight.

So much awaits you, my beloveds, so many Gifts lie within you eager to be expressed, to be expressed through you. Beloveds, be in the Light. Love one another. Allow these bonds of Love to grow. Allow yourselves to trust, to be open, to be loving, to truly to be brothers and sisters as God means for you to be in this world and a shining example of this beautiful relationship the brother and sisterhood that is meant for all people upon this world.

It is the love within your souls that breaks down all barriers and in time you will truly know the other, you will truly come to appreciate and perceive and love your brother, your sister, and you will work together in harmony. You will be synchronistic in your efforts, you will not be confused in your communications, you will understand immediately and come to work in this flow in a beautiful, harmonious way and there will be no barriers, only Love. There will be no misunderstandings but deep, resonating understanding amongst you, and this will come as you love one another and open to each other your hearts, your deepest aspirations, your soul longings.

Express your fears and your doubts. Bring them out in the open. Allow God to take them and disperse them, for these things are no longer truly a part of you. You are within the Light. Your souls beat with the Love, a deep and resounding heartbeat of Love. You must walk within this beat, this pulsing Light within you and God will guide you, my beloveds, to many places in this world. You are meant to work together in this way teaching, healing, loving, discovering with each day what God means for you to do.

And we will be with you, we will surely be with you, my beloveds, as you walk your path in service and love, in joy and harmony we will be with you, never to leave, always to support and walk with you with every breath and every step you take. Beloveds, be at peace and know that you are truly loved and we are joyed with your coming together to establish and strengthen these powerful bonds of Love, so important, so necessary to bring Light into this world, to expand the network of Light, to bring circles and centres of Light in this world, to do God’s bidding, to utilize your gifts, focus upon this Path and purpose. Beloved souls, you are with God and we are with you and we are all in this Light and His presence. Beloveds, God bless you, I am Andrew.