Messages 2016

You must be the Examples

March 17th, 2016

Selah, W.A., U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.

May God’s perfect Love find a great inflowing into your souls, my friends, and may that Love transform you as it must and affect your thinking, your being, your spirit, your bodies, all that is a part of you. May this Love transform you, for this is what is required, my friends, to do this work, to carry on in this world so in need of teachers and healers, purveyors of Love and Light. For these desperate conditions within the world must change and those who are in these desperate conditions must be given the opportunity to change, to seek for something higher, to put aside their fears and angry thoughts and disruptive natures and realize the value of love, the importance of harmony, the power of gratitude, the bliss that comes with prayer to God.

And I know you’ve had much discussion as to how you would teach those who are yearning for truth. And the most valuable conclusion you have come to is to expose those who are willing to the Divine Love, to experience this. And in your attempts to be with other groups in the world and churches you have indeed brought this condition of Love and given those in attendance the opportunity to experience this Love. And many received this Love within their souls and some who have this Love within their souls have acknowledged and recognized it, and this is the most powerful tool that you have, which is a gift from God, to be that channel of Love, to touch others in this way, to pray with others, creating the Circles of Light which you have been guided to do.

And in time there will come many questions and many opportunities to answer those questions and you must do so in a guided way, for in order to reach and impress upon the minds of so many you must choose your words carefully. You must convey this truth delicately in a way that will reach the soul of that individual. For truly these understandings of truth happen with each individual. In their own way they discover this, their own unique paths bring them to this. And you must see yourselves as God’s instruments in answering prayer and as such God will guide you to fulfill this answer, to bring this blessing, to teach these truths.

Yes, this is somewhat contradictory to how you have learned in your life, the teachings of the mind, but you are embarking upon a new way, the way of the soul, the way of God’s Love. And rather than discerning and figuring out all the intricacies of these communications and creating a structure within your mind which in its way restricts and contains the Will of God, you must go with that flow of Love, be in that flow and grace of Love and convey the wisdom that is inherent within this flow that comes from your souls, my beautiful friends, it comes from your souls and you must know your souls.

Every day is an opportunity to continue to strengthen that channel of information that comes from your soul to your mind, to allow what is inherent within your soul to bubble forth into your consciousness, to expand your awareness, to bring just the right words, just the right understanding, the highest teachings to pour through you to others and towards yourself. For are you not learning as you go along upon this path? Is this not your great journey, all the blessings that come with that journey as you build upon your awarenesses, as you build upon this love, as you build upon your relationship with your Heavenly Father and with we who are in the Celestial Kingdom, who continue to walk with you and communicate with you in many different ways? Yes, it is a whole new world of understanding, of awareness, truth, expression and a way of walking in the world. You must be the examples, my friends. You must be the examples. You must forge the path and as you do so you will show others how to walk that path and at least half of that teaching is through your example, at least half my friends. You must walk this road as best you can with great faith and earnestness and a sort of innocence that precludes the machinations of your mind and embodies the explorations of your soul.

I know this is difficult, I know it was difficult for me when I walked this Earth. I had many plans devised and made great efforts in many different directions and I was so enthralled and excited by the potentials, the power of God’s Love and how we may all grow into this wondrous, wondrous reality. And now that I am in the Celestial spheres I see things much differently. I have grown and put aside my ambitions and now those ambitions have transformed into a simple desire to serve God, each moment to serve God. And this is a valuable lesson, my friends, which I wish to convey to you that this simple desire to serve God will bring all that you require to teach others, to be God’s instruments and channel of Love and to allow God to guide you and for you to be willing to be a part of His plan. For you cannot devise a plan to save the world. This is not possible for any human being or even any angel. It is God’s plan and He must lead it through His vast and perfect wisdom and understanding of what must be done. And as we listen and allow Him to manifest His Will through us then we would have walked the highest path and certainly the most effective.

Try not to let your egos and ambitions to get in the way of this flow of God’s Will. You have been asked to be within your soul, to discover that reality, the power, and the wonderment that is your soul enacted by God’s Love. And I urge you to continue in this discovery no matter how frustrating it may be and difficult. You are mining away the obstructions. Think of it as a channel that is full of debris that must be cleared. And as you pray and continue to seek that channel and walk that passage towards your soul you get ever closer and it will eventually clear and a great geyser of Light, a great awakening will happen for each one of you as you put this effort forth to be in that place where you and God are together and His Love flows into you like a great river. And even though you have difficulties within your minds to be in that place of soul awareness, this does not mean that your soul is dormant or not growing, or that the encrustations are not falling away from you. This is simply not the case. You are continuing to become brighter and more beautiful with every prayer and the power of this Love within your soul indeed loosens the debris within that channel so in a way you are working from both ends to reach that place of breakthrough. It takes time. It’s not easy.

The power of the human condition creates many barriers and distractions. But you have chosen to be God’s channels of Truth in this world and in that choice comes this challenge, to truly know God from that place of knowing, to truly serve God from that place of understanding His Will and to love as God desires you to love with His Love. It requires strength, persistence, devotion and faith. And you have all of these qualities within you and you will continue to use these qualities to progress to that place of sure knowing, clear, soulful understanding, utilising all the faculties of your soul to be God’s instruments in the world. You are closer than you think and it is coming. It is required, for as the world continues to degenerate into darkness there must be channels in the world to fight this back, to bring a new world, a new understanding, a new way.

So, my friends, we forge a path together. You will continue each day upon this journey fighting back those conditions of the world, seeking and stretching, straining for greater Light and understanding, more soulful being and closer to God. Carry on, my friends. Your friend Alec is with you in this struggle and journey and it brings me great joy to see you make these efforts to stretch towards the high road. You will be rewarded beyond your imaginings, my friends, for these efforts. And there is so much work to come for each one of you to engage within as God guides you within the perfect plan, the salvation of mankind. God bless you. God bless you on your journeys. May every footfall be that of Light and greater understanding. God bless you. Your friend Alec loves you. God bless you.