Messages 2017

Encouragement and Guidance - a Blueprint for Change

July 12th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


I am glad to see that you are all proactive in repairing your bodies, in enlivening your souls and bringing your thoughts into harmony, bringing light, the light of God’s Love into your beings. This is what we have asked of you and you are indeed listening and making the efforts that are necessary. It is important that these things are done in balance. It is easy to focus on one thing and we have asked you to do several things. Remember, that you need not be intensively focused on one aspect but lightly focused upon all aspects. What I mean by this is each day brings a choice and when you establish a new routine, let’s say a routine of thought, it takes application with each day but it does not require your full attention for there are many other things that need your attention. You have developed a prayer practice and routine, continue with this and you may intensify this if you need to. When you think of your diets it is not necessary to throw everything completely out of your old routines but to enhance that which you are already doing and eliminate those things that you know are not in harmony with your body.

This shift of behaviour need not be onerous and difficult. When done in the light and the joy of God’s Will it should be easy, things should fall into place, awarenesses will come and decisions will be definite but not forced. You are learning how to live in harmony, my beloveds, how to seek harmony and each day provides an opportunity to learn a little more, to be open, to absorb greater knowledge, to be aware, to know yourself, to realise that old habits that are not in harmony are easily let go of when you feel joy in your soul and a desire to do good for yourself and do good for God. As you pray for more of God’s Love, so you have the strength and the insight to realise the components of what makes for harmony. This does not mean that you should do this and you should do that. No beloveds, it means there is an opportunity to see what works in the overall picture, what is in harmony with the composition of your life. God always allows you to choose, my beloveds. He does not force anything; you are given the gift of free will. I would suggest that you do not obsess about any of these aspects that have been discussed regarding your preparations, merely to consider, to pray and to adopt when you see and you feel this is the right time for such an action or behaviour.

God is gently easing you into a new reality, a new understanding. You are coming to this because your souls desire this. Your eyes are opening. Your minds are beginning to comprehend and you are doing so in harmony without judgment or condemnation of yourself or of others. Merely accept the flow of light of this new life that is coming within your consciousness, within your souls as God pours His healing and loving Touch within you. Rather than feeling you must surmount the barrier, instead you are feeling in the flow of this goodness, this goodness that brings renewed health, greater happiness, higher consciousness and greater love.

There will always be resistance towards you and some within you, my beloveds. As you battle the human condition, there will be those who come to you and will be derisive and judgmental, even angry, reflecting their own state of being. You must not let these conditions be absorbed by you or listen in a way that brings you confusion and hurt. No, my beloveds, allow God’s Love to wash over you and within you. Bring yourself to a place of peace, be patient with those who are impatient with you. Allow God to work His Love, His miracles in the world. You are a part of the flow of His Will and that Light will wash over all those you meet and in time will affect those who are resistant to you or angry and judgmental. Do not feed those fears but have faith that God is healing your brothers and sisters. God is bringing greater light. Yes, each of you has your flaws, those things which you must release, that error that resides within you, but you are on a journey of discovery and healing. As God’s Love works within your souls you come to greater awareness, a clearer understanding, and an intuitive drawing to what is right and in harmony.

Yes, the natural love within you also is refined by the Divine Love as it works its transformational miracle within each one of you. This does not mean that you are associating with natural love spirits only, that you are diverted from the Divine Path. No, my beloveds, it merely means that your vision is opening to all aspects of who you are. The natural love part of yourself, your physical being, your emotions and all of those parts that are active in any human being are also being transformed and affected by God’s Love and you must not resist this. There are some who are fearful of any mention of natural love upon this Divine Path. Even this instrument has been resistant for many years but is now coming to an understanding. I say this is good. This is in harmony. You are all solidly grounded and upon the Divine Path. It would take a great deal to divert you off of this path at this time in your spiritual development. Your souls have made this choice for Divine Love. Each of you is firmly committed to this course of spiritual awakening.

In this awakening comes an acceptance and understanding of all those parts of your being, an integration in love. There is no need to fracture, to put this aside and accept this and ignore that, for it is all part of you, my beloveds. You are readily embracing yourselves in this way allowing all that is within you to be healed and brought into alignment with the great light within your souls. This does not mean you are compromising in any way. Indeed it means that you are grasping on all levels the wonderment that is God’s Love and its influence upon you. Do not think that you are straying off this path, beloveds. No, you are renewing your commitment with each day, with each prayer, with each thought and action. If they are done in love, are you not living the truth of God’s Love? So many may lay upon you and judge, even feel fear for you and I say be true to your own heart and be strong and prayerful. You will be guided and if you do indeed stray, you will be corrected for you will know within your heart that this is wrong. You have this ability now, beloveds, to know what is right for you, what your path entails and how you must walk forward. This is not a spirit telling you how to proceed. No, my beloveds, this is your own heart’s knowing as you walk forward. Faith is very important, beloveds. Have faith in your Heavenly Father, have faith in your own self. To recognize the light that you carry within yourselves, the wisdom that is growing within, the understanding, the depth of the love that is burning within your soul. With faith you step forward, with faith you recognize with wisdom what is important and what you need to do to bring greater harmony within your lives.

Do not underestimate the power of your own beautiful souls to know how you will proceed, what is in harmony, what is truth, what adds to the love and what flows with the love. It is not so difficult and as your souls awaken it will be second nature to you my beloveds, it will just be a part of you and how you think, the decisions you make will be in harmony with love. These things are not difficult; they are not necessarily a struggle. What causes struggle is your own resistance to the true desires of your soul. When you cling on to those things within you that are not in harmony with love you cause pain for yourself. For many of you to release those things is painful, although even this is not necessary. When there is a force acting opposite to the flow of healing and release and wholeness that force causes pain. It is your will, beloveds, that causes pain and there is a reaction as laws come into effect creating barriers, resistance. Remember this, beloveds, that when things are in harmony there is no pain, there is joy, there is a knowing that you are in harmony with God’s Will. You are in harmony with His Laws when you are in the flow of His Love. You see, when you are in this flow all things fall into place, blessings abound and there is an ease of movement. Those around you are eager to support you and walk with you and many are drawn to this light when you walk in harmony in the flow of His Love - many are drawn. Yes, you will have those detractors who wish to criticize, to tear you down. This is the human condition, but you my beloveds are rising above this condition into the flow of God’s Love, that mighty stream of light that will in time change this world. You are a part of this. You have accepted God’s invitation to walk in light, to be a channel of His Love, to serve God.

My beloveds, always seek the Love of God, always seek at-onement with God and to be in this mighty flow of Love. As you continue to be more fully within this flow, in this love, as you continue to receive greater quantities within your soul, all of these small issues, all that would come to criticize or resist you or pull you away will fall to dust and will no longer be relevant. That which causes you pain today will no longer do so tomorrow as your souls strengthen in the Love, as your love strengthens for yourself and for your brothers and sisters. This is the power of love, this is the wonderment of love. Allow love to flow over everything, to be the prime motive, the greatest desire and the source of fulfilment that God’s Love integrate into every part of your being and everything that you do. There will be harmony and there will be a great outpouring through you to many. This is God’s desire for you and this is your own soul desire, your purpose, the beauty of your own soul.

Thank you, beloveds. Thank you for acting in love, for making that effort, for rising above. We are with you, we are with you and God’s Hand is upon you, my beloveds. God bless you, God bless you, my beloveds. I am Seretta Kem and I love you.