Messages 2017

A Golden Band of Light Unifies You

December 10th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by Al Fike.


Beloved souls, you are blessed mightily by your Heavenly Father who brings to you all His gifts, laid at your feet to uplift you and support you in your efforts to bring greater light and truth to this world. You are circled by a band of light, a golden color that unifies you, my beloveds, and that brings you a gift of strength and unity. The Heavenly Father upholds you, my brothers and sisters, the angels pray for you. All the voices of Heaven go to God to bring to you what you require to be strong in the light and resplendent in love. Carry this gift with you, beloveds and know that God in all His Love, gifts you in many ways.

God bless you. I am your brother, Jesus, and I walk with you. I walk with you. God bless you. God bless you.