Messages 2017

A Great Thirst in my Country

November 3rd, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, I am Abraham Lincoln and I have a deep interest in your work for I too wish to speak with Direct Voice. I am now an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom. I feel qualified to speak to my people of America for which I have a deep concern and I wish to bring the Truths of the Father’s Love to many of my people for there is a great thirst in my country. A thirst that needs quenching, a thirst that many do not know how to quench. This will be part of your role and work in this world, to teach many how to pray, how to pray to God, how to be open to our Heavenly Father’s many blessings through His Love. These simple teachings can change the world. God’s wondrous Love can change all.

As you venture forth into the world, may you consider what this world needs. For God requires you to be desirous of the work ahead, to keep within you a clear understanding of these Truths, to speak with clarity and honesty. When I walked the earth this was my policy, to speak plainly to people but forcefully. If you are to be a leader you must be clear as to what you will say, how you will present yourself in the world although God and His heavenly angels may do much to assist you in this work. We will all work together to bring Truth to mankind but as each of you has a role to play it is not that you are some mute instrument in the world. No, my beloved friends, you must speak your piece and your truth clearly and with great dedication.

For though God may manifest angels and others who also wish to reinforce the Truth, you are a living breathing example in the world of such. In this you have a powerful role and an example to portray to your brothers and sisters. You have struggled greatly to find your harmony, to find God and to know Truth. You have tried to apply this in your life and have been successful in many ways. The wisdom that comes from this experience, the truth that emerges from your understanding and mind is of great value. When you stand up and speak your truth and tell your stories and share your vision and your experience, you bring a depth and quality to the Truth of God’s Love that cannot be obtained in a book for you are the living expression of these Truths. You must venture forth and express what you have to give to your brothers and sisters in Love, not in complex and difficult to understand concepts but in the simple Truth, in the Light that shines through you, in the aura of your countenance in the world.

This is how our Master Jesus taught. He was a soul filled with Light and Love and he spoke of the Truth as plainly as he could. It is unfortunate that so much of this knowledge was lost over the years. So God brings His instruments into the world again and again to reiterate the Truth and to remind His children why they are here, what is important and what makes a life a good life - that Love is the greatest goal, the loftiest of blessings in a life. So I am with you, my friends, in your efforts. I have a deep interest in what you may bring to the world. But I also have a deep interest in your own nature and potential as a channel of God’s Love and Truth, for I understand as I’m sure you do as well, that in order to teach you must understand from deep within you and express this understanding in clear and unambiguous ways. If you stand up for Truth and do so without passion and conviction, very few will listen. It is that strength that comes with true understanding that conveys the message to others. Each of you I see as a great light, a beautiful light. Be sure and express that light wherever you are, whatever you do, to live your life according to the Truths that you know of, to be forthright in your actions and the words that you speak. May they be words that are harmonious and true for many will be looking at you, my friends. They will be observing. They will be listening intently. Be sure that your words are well spoken, that your intention is pure, that your love shines through everything that you are and everything that you say may reflect the Love of God.

There will be many opportunities for you to speak, my friends, many opportunities. Are you ready to share the Truths to many? God wants you to. He has a great desire for you to do so. He is preparing you now, preparing your souls, preparing your minds. All that you require is being provided. You will not go out into the world half prepared. No, you will be fully prepared. Nothing will be left to chance, my friends. May you find a deep fulfillment in this work that you have taken on. Are you at this moment intrigued by the very many spirits who observe you now and are inspired by what you are doing? As you step forward you will attract much attention and curiosity. Be sure to comport yourselves well, my friends, to hold your heads up high, to speak clearly and to be loving at all times. God surely will put the words in your mouth and His Love will be all about you, my friends, and it will pour through you to many thirsting souls.

You will spend many days in my country speaking in many different places. They may not be halls so grandiose but indeed many simple people will want to hear your message and will be inspired by your words. We are working now so that some leaders of my country may also hear your message because so many changes must be performed and executed in my country so that there is greater harmony, so that many eyes are turned towards spirituality and to God rather than materialism. My country was founded on many great principles of which I tried to live by. Yet now so many have forgotten why we built such a mighty country. So few understand, so few take seriously the words that are within our Constitution. May you help them to remember and to understand ‘liberty and life for all’, my friends. But liberty and life cannot go hand in hand without Love. Love must be the first to come forth and all else will follow. Love comes from God - so simple, so simple.

May your hearts continue to swell with the Love. May you have a deep compassion for your brothers and sisters everywhere in this world. May God inspire you to speak eloquently, powerfully and simply that the words of Truth may be uttered through your lips all the while the Love of God shining forth. Each of you are capable of this, beloved souls. Each of you have a gift to share to the world. May you seize the opportunities that God has placed before you and allow His ministering angels to escort you upon this great journey of service. So much awaits as you well know. I await the success of your venture and many, many more speak of this - this opportunity that may come through you and your efforts, a chance once again for wise men to speak to this world, for Truth to be uttered, for all of us to point to God and say “this is the Source, this is the Source of all Truth.” Seek ye the kingdom, beloveds, and all else will come to you in great abundance.

God bless you. I am Abraham Lincoln and I will continue to observe and assist in your efforts for Direct Voice. I am humbled by your commitment and your desire to serve in this way. I continue to pray for you, my friends. I am with you one hundred percent. My love, my prayers, my appreciation is with you, beloved, beloved souls. God bless you. God bless you and may God keep you in His Light always. God bless you, beloveds.