Messages 2017

A New Day Dawns

December 2nd, 2017

Gibsons, B. C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


My dear beloved souls, you continue to awaken and to come to that state of awareness, and of keen perception where the faculties of your souls come to life, so that you may truly be with God in all the wonderment and glory, all the beauty and keen sensitivity that allows you this awareness, this awakening to the true presence of God. And in this awareness, in this awakening comes great joy and at times great sadness, for to see the world as it is can be truly disheartening. But in its stead comes the wonderment of your relationship with your Heavenly Father and with all of us angels who accompany you in this birthing of your souls.

You see, my beloveds, you must come fully awake, although there are parts of you that resist and do not wish to see the Truth in such depth and detail, for there is comfort in sleep and life is simpler without these open sensitivities. But you must come to that place beloved souls, this awakened state, true and deep and that which encompasses all, for this is your destiny. The destiny of all souls that pray for the inflowing of the Father’s Love, for when this reality comes, so you will find your way to express your soul’s great purpose and be powerful channels of Love, to see the Truth clearly in all its exactness and beauty.

There is no turning back my beloveds. And that restful state of sleep will not bring you to God. You must be strong enough to be in the Light, to know and yet to be in joy and true communion with your Heavenly Father. And yes, to recognize the true state of humanity, to see with those newly awakened perceptions, the conditions of this world can be difficult and challenging. You must Love and accept and continue on in the flow of the Father’s Love so that you may be used to bring Light where there is so much darkness. To be a beacon of Light, a Light that never dims, which is never again shuttered by your own willful desires to not Love. It requires a strength and deep faith in the Will of God and the presence of God in your lives. There is no turning back my beloveds, merely stepping forward in greater Light and seeing those footsteps with the eyes of your soul and knowing the will of God with the eyes of your soul, seeing all the beauty of God’s Creation with the eyes of your soul. It is only the creation of man in all its error and presumption of power and desire for control, that the darkness is born and the Light is pushed away.

And so God has asked each of you and many others to shine forth in true Light, in deep awareness and Love. For this to be, you must awaken, awaken from your slumbers, awaken from that realty created by your minds, that it may be replaced by your souls’ knowing. God does not un-shutter your eyes in a great flash of awareness. He allows you to come to that place of knowing step by step in His Mercy and His Love. He brings you gently to the awakening of your soul. There comes a time where you will not see unclearly, but with a vision so clear, so precise that nothing escapes and all becomes clear. You are coming to that place my beloveds. It is merely waiting upon you, awaiting your recognition that God may peel the skins from your eyes and that God may bring you to that deep awakening and knowing. Thus you may walk in this world free of the constrictions of the human condition, free of the darkness that is all about you. For you will create your own Light as a channel of God’s Love just as all the great instruments and channels that have been in this world have done. They carry the Light within into the world and in this, they have touched many souls. And yes, many of these precious souls, God’s instruments, were looked upon with suspicion, at times with anger and with attempts to put out their Light by the dark forces in this world. But you must not fear my beloveds, forge ahead so that the Light within you might shine forth and beckon your brothers and sisters to the Truth. This is your true souls’ desire and this is God’s Will. This will bring great joy and wondrous experiences in this Love, in this connection with God and service for God. Yes great faith is needed and great faith comes with true awakening. This is how it has been and this is how it will be. This is how souls that have been awakened must see the Truth, the Truth in God’s Creation and the Truth in man’s creation, to see the difference, to recognize the perfection of God and the failings of men. For change cannot come without true recognition and true recognition cannot come without the awakened soul. And the awakened soul cannot come without the Love of God bringing the spark and opening the eyes of the soul.

You continue upon this journey of awakening, you carry the flame of Truth. There is no doubt within you at this time, no doubt whatsoever. Thus your eyes open. and the Truth floods in in waves and waves of acknowledgement. Though you may feel vulnerable and you may feel a deep difference within you, something that has shifted and not yet steadied within your souls. You are very very close to this true understanding of God. We gather close to you, beloved souls, helping you to adjust and to accept this new reality. Much more is coming. You sense the flickering light dawning within you and so it will go day by day, moment by moment as God pours His blessings within you and leads you into your Truth and reality of Truth. God bless you on this journey beloved souls, brave that you are, willing as you are on this journey, this journey of truly knowing Love.

You will look back upon this time with great joy and gratitude for what God has wrought within you, in Light and Love. God bless you my beloveds. I am Thomas Aquinas. I have great Love for you and I too stand close bringing my Love and warmth as you awaken to a new day, a new dawning of your true self.

God bless you my beloveds and I Love you. God bless you.