Messages 2017
Advice on diet for D.V.
October 8th, 2017
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
What a beautiful blessing Jesus brings my beloveds to encourage you in your efforts and your journey. Now I have come to give you some more practical instructions. I would suggest that from now until you meet that you will make an effort to keep your diets light, not heavy foods, lighter and certainly nutritious. Do not overfill yourselves. Continue to ingest those chemicals that have been recommended; phosphorus, calcium and chlorophyll. Continue to monitor your bodies and that your nutritional intake is in accordance to your intuitive understanding of what you require. We will help you in this regard. Your bodies may feel lighter and function in a way that will be helpful in your development for direct voice.
We will continue to infuse energies into your bodies, your spirits, helping you to feel that sense of lightness and energy. Yet I would advise you not to over expend your energies, but to retain these energies within you that they may be used and expended for the use of direct voice. Some of the qualities of these energies are similar to what you would feel when you are in a condition of vigor and thus desiring to expend your bodies in exercise. This is not a bad thing, to continue to move your bodies about. This helps to keep the flow of energies in balance. Yet, I would suggest you do not over extend yourselves.
You will be receiving impressions, each one of you, helping you with your thoughts and helping you with your everyday actions. So as this builds a harmony within you, it helps you not be distracted by those conditions in the world that draws your thinking and your energies away from your spiritual pursuits into the physical world. This is a time to withdraw from those obligations of this material world and be more spiritually attuned. For this will be helpful as you continue to develop and work together and will make it easier for us to build a rapport with each one of you. To some degree you are leaving the conditions of the material world and entering into a space, a place, a condition that is removed from this world. This will bring a different perspective, it will change your thoughts and open up many abilities and capacities within your soul, encouraging the unfolding of your soul perceptions and soul faculties. This in turn will bring a deeper sensitivity, so it will be important that you are not overly involved in material pursuits, for you will feel an uneasiness in these conditions.
When you are in harmony with the spiritual conditions that are being created it will feel like you are home, a place of peace. When you feel disturbed, it is an indication that you are moving away from that place and that condition. This is important in order to foster the development of direct voice. I am not suggesting that you be a hermit. No, but keep in mind that you need to make greater effort to bring yourselves into alignment, to bring yourselves in greater harmony, to be closer to the influences of the angels, in deeper rapport and in communion with God.
Yes the level and intensity of this work continues to unfold and you respond beautifully to our call. You are not lost. You are indeed finding your way. You continue to be clear. Let there be no confusion in the sense, the true sense of the journey that you are on. There is nothing to fear. Do not reprimand yourselves if you feel you are straying beyond these instructions, merely say a prayer and continue in the best way that you are able, to be in better spiritual condition - pure of thought and closer to God. Yes each day is always a challenge and each day has its rewards, its opportunities, its blessings and so you begin to learn how to bring these blessings to you with more intensity and to be closer to God. You are being blessed and supported, loved and nurtured. Listen to your inner voice, that deep place within you and all will be well. You will find your way. That darkened path brightens with each moment. Know those conditions that concern you so will melt away in love. God’s Hand is truly upon you beloved souls. Drink deep His Blessings. Seek your guidance and know the truths within your souls. God bless you. I am Seretta Kem. I love you and will continue to work with you in these efforts of love and truth. God bless you. I keep you close, keep you close. God bless you.