Messages 2017

At-onement with One another Brings a Powerful Harmony

October 28th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you beloved souls, I am Thomas Aquinas.

Yes indeed you have come two thirds of the way in your preparation for Direct Voice, but I must tell you that the last third is the hardest, for you must go from your individual experiences and release of inharmonious conditions within you to a place of unity and much homogeneity amongst you. You are each very different in your personalities and this is a difficult thing for those of you in this world - to put aside these differences and to feel comfortable with each other to the point where you are like one. You are building in this regard each day, especially when you are coming together in social interactions and other projects together. It builds a bond and a trust amongst you and it is trust and love together that you will forge the ring of light. That ring that was described where each of you brings your special component, your special piece of this perfect circle and when they fit together, they will merge into one and with this merging will come a great power, a beautiful light created by that strong connection of your souls with one another and with God. But to come to this point is often contrary to the conditions of this world and with the patterns you’ve created within your lives and so this is difficult, this is challenging. It is hard to let go of your individuality in this way and to truly be together in love and to put aside all those personal individual patterns and focus instead to turn your eyes to one another, to be focused upon the group that you have created.

You have a great attachment to your individuality, your sense of self and when that is crowded in upon, you feel uncomfortable, possibly even under attack, and you put up your shields to protect yourselves. But I’m sure that you have seen in these last several days the love that each of you carries for one another, the power of this love that originates from your souls, is the force that will bring about this unity and will sweep aside your reticence. You will be together in this way like never before, like never before. The love you will feel will be intense and you will come to see one another as merely a reflection of your own self in the eyes of those around you, a sense that you are all one in the flow of God’s Love and Care as He perceives each of you and draws you in to the great consciousness of God, His soul. God is blessing each of you so that you may be uninhibited together and feel the power of this love as a gratifying and beautiful awakening within you. As you overcome those barriers between yourselves, you also overcome many barriers between yourselves and others and the world. It is a gift and a blessing. It is also a requirement if we are to work together, for this is how we are together in the Celestial Kingdom. We often feel as one, even though we are an individual. We do not lose anything in that individuality with a sense of oneness, and yet part of us is powerfully connected to all of us and in this flow of connection and love much can be accomplished, and a true understanding is forged amongst us. This is why harmony prevails in the Celestial Heavens. We do not disagree with one another although we may present different perspectives which all may readily perceive, but this is not inharmonious. No, my beloveds, this is merely different and in the differences come the many hues of light that emanate from each of the angels and their unique qualities make up the wonderful texture of Heaven. So it will be with you my beloveds, as you will come to appreciate all those minute differences and yet you will feel like you are at one with one another. The power of God’s Love will forge this beautiful circle of light, a golden light amongst you, if you allow this, if you remove your barriers and your reticence.

If you pray to be close in this love and with God so that a deep resonance may take place, an opening within your souls that will allow these great blessings, this unified light to take place amongst you and when this is so, then we will begin upon our journey of developing direct voice. So we have encouraged you to be honest with yourselves and with one another, to be open and to accept and cherish your brothers and sisters, for is this not truly living God’s love? It is a great and deep challenge in this world as I have said. So few are able to step beyond that place, that protectedness, and often fear of exposure or vulnerability that says: “If I am open with you, you may hurt me” - this is often the case in your world. You have experienced the hurts and the attacks upon you from those souls who live in the shadows, who are truly unaware and asleep. But you are in that place of awakening and you are given the gift to share this awakening with your brothers and sisters who are with you at this moment. This is truly a gift, this is truly beautiful, as this little meadow created by God will bloom one by one with unique flowers all, yet you grow together and open and blossom together as your eyes open and your souls awaken. This is the essence of joy, is it not, to truly see the beauty of God’s Creation in one another and within yourselves. To truly know and to recognize this great beauty of life. To see the soul unique yet a part of you and to understand that it is love that brings you close, it is allowing love to shine within you and all about you. That is what reaches forth to one another and in this simple way you speak the words of love. You say: “I love you, I see you, I recognize you as truly my brother, as truly my sister, all children of God” and in this you will come a long way my beloveds in your efforts to speak the truth and to express the love of God. Can you do this truly? Let down your cloak and be open and awake with one another, to truly see and acknowledge the beauty that is each soul? At this moment you are recognizing the beauty within yourselves. You are having a journey of self-discovery and when you’re ready you will turn your eyes to one another with such intensity and clarity, love and compassion, that the awakening will again build in intensity and beauty as your souls open to these possibilities of true togetherness when you become a part of one another. There will be no distance, you will not seek the love of one another, instead you will know the love of one another. It will be self-evident and beautiful in its expression. It will not be something you struggle towards but merely an acceptance of what is and this builds as your souls grow in love.

Now my blessed and beloved friends continue with your prayers, continue to seek harmony in every way that is possible and we will continue in our efforts to help you build the conditions that are required to open this gift of direct voice and to open up avenues where you will serve God in many different ways, including this one gift expressed to the world. So I say God bless you beloveds, seek the love of God always. May that blessing be a constant inflowing into your souls and may you truly come to know yourselves and see with eyes clear the beauty of your brothers and sisters, who they themselves are eager to know you and to be in that harmony of love. God bless you beloveds, I am Thomas and I love you. God bless you.