Messages 2017

Be Aware of the Conditions which Surround You

October 31st, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, I am your teacher Augustine.

I see the calling of this world continues to distract you at times even though we have provided for you a very comfortable and insulated space, a condition from which to pray. You are still drawn to the obligations of this material world. I do not criticize you for this my friends but I would encourage you to put most of your thoughts and time to the spiritual in order to maintain the conditions around you. For to do such a work in these conditions of the earth plane is taxing and challenging. All around you, though you do not see this, is a dark condition. The prevalent condition of this world is dark and it is becoming darker as more disharmony continues to come into play as this world continues to be burdened by the conditions of mankind.

So you must make efforts to be in harmony with God, to be in that light at all times. If you expect to create the conditions that are required for the development of Direct Voice amongst your group, it cannot happen by the mere saying of a prayer, or thinking that this is what you wish. Although these things are important and are part and parcel of this effort, you must also be consciously aware of the conditions that you move amongst as you come from this sanctuary to the outside world. Not that this is something you should fear. No, my beloveds, but it is something you should and must prepare yourselves for spiritually. We can indeed accompany you wherever you go but in order to sustain this light and this condition required for Direct Voice, a greater effort is needed because you are attempting to reach a higher level of awareness and love and light. Something that is not common in your plane of life and something that is easily dispersed by the conditions of this world, if you allow this. And this can be allowed by your mere thoughts, your inattention to what must be maintained within your thoughts and spiritual condition, your prayers and your intentions.

Yes it is a very delicate balance, my beloveds. It requires a great deal of awareness, sensitivity and contemplation, for there is a tremendous force of negativity wishing to sabotage your efforts. It is all around you, my friends, all about you, but we are maintaining a condition of light amongst you and in this place, in this sanctuary. We are doing our utmost to protect you beloved souls, but even the whisper of negativity, a negative thought, sometimes innocently placed can bring in this influence, for you have invited it in, often unawares but nonetheless these conditions are eager to infiltrate your group and infiltrate your lives. I would council you now my friends that as you come closer to this gift of Direct Voice and are able to bring it to the world you will be a target of negativity. The darkness always desires to put out the light. This is a reality of your world and yes, there are measures that can be taken to protect you – absolutely, but you must become a conscious part of this effort to be protected, to be in harmony, to be together in love and to monitor every thought and every word that comes from your mouth, to be particularly aware of those things within you that bubble up from inside that are not loving. For you are vulnerable at this time because of what you are attempting to do.

Be ever closer to God, my beloved souls, be ever vigilant, be loving always, seek our council and our presence. Prayer, my beloveds, prayer and more prayer. You are in this light. You have been given this special gift. Do not take it for granted but help to build ever greater light, ever deeper connection with God. As you release those last vestiges of the human condition within your souls, the encrustations, do so quickly, do not linger upon these conditions, do not hold back these conditions, but release them. Knowing that in this environment, this spiritual condition which you inhabit at this moment that much can be released quickly and effectively if you are willing and as long as you have your connection with your Heavenly Father, clear and powerfully embraced in yourselves, then all will be well, all will be well. 

Seek for the highest beloved souls, always. Seek for God to bring to you what you require, to be in the light and to be in harmony. Yes, we have repeated this over and over again, but it bears repeating. It does bear repeating, reminding you for the world is such a distracting place and those parts of your mind that are still engaged so firmly within these conditions of the world, drawing you away and drawing you into a lesser condition. 

We work hard to help to build your conditions and you must work as hard as we to maintain this, to be in this condition of love and light and to truly be in harmony. There is no time in your day, for each day, even those days which you are not sitting for direct voice, where you can neglect maintaining this condition. What it takes for you to do so depends upon what works and how you are in your spiritual life. It is your choice how you go about this, it is your choice, but you must put effort forward for these beautiful spirits and angels who are working with you are indeed waiting for that moment when this condition stabilizes amongst you so that they may begin their work in the development of this gift. It makes it very difficult when these conditions fluctuate wildly within you and around you. 

It is important that you are securely in this light no matter what condition is presented to you, that you are not affected by this to any great degree, and yet this is difficult, for you are all sensitive in many ways. As you continue to love and grow in your love the sensitivity increases and yet another strength comes into play – the strength of your soul and the wisdom of your soul. Where instead of feeling hurt by someone who has said something that hurts you, you come to feel compassion and to understand where this negativity comes from. As your senses and perceptions deepen, so you will see the suffering of others, the error in which they live and you must always confront this with compassion and wisdom. Do not judge beloved souls, but love. This compassion and wisdom does not come from the minds choice to devise an answer of compassion, a response – it comes from your soul, it comes from the light and love from within your soul. It is there, it is always there and when you can feel this from deep within you, this is an indication of how in touch you are with your soul, how much your soul comes into play in these interactions with others. There are many signals that come from your soul all the time. So much is broadcast from your soul and yet so often you miss the cues, the subtleties and the softness of these influences. But as you become more sensitive and less entrenched in the mindful condition this will become more powerful and beautiful within you.

It is important that you come to recognize these communications of the soul for you are modeling a different way of understanding the world and being in the world, to be a channel of God’s Love. So you must nurture and accept, encourage the awarenesses that come as you grow in God’s Love, the many faculties that are within you, the gifts that are within you and the love that is within you. As it flourishes in your being the Angels may use this light, this energy, these blessings, your thoughts and your love to bring about the conditions necessary for Direct Voice.

You see that you are being challenged in many different ways. I know, and we all know, that this is not easy but you are strong. Many of you have been praying for this Love for many years. You know where to go for the Source of Love, you know how to be with God, you know your souls and you have felt your souls. Now it’s time for you to exercise your knowledge and experience and wisdom and understanding in order to cultivate this gift of Direct Voice. So very little stands in your way my beloveds, so very little. But often these minor pieces within you stick tenaciously and are difficult to remove. So you are helped by the angels and you must help yourselves to set yourselves apart from the earthly conditions to be in harmony with God, to be in harmony with each other and to be in harmony within yourself. Great light is poured upon you my beloveds so this should not be so difficult. May you find your way into that beautiful light and stay within its reach and touch upon you, for it can be a lifelong presence, it can be in accordance to your choices, your thoughts who you are – the love within your soul and your connection with God.

My beloveds, my students, you have come a long way and there is a long way to go but now the pace quickens and the challenges are deeper, but the opportunities are great for the advancement of your souls and the advancement of your purpose in this world. May you continue to find your way as the Father’s Love pours upon you. May your desire for this Love continue to grow and strengthen, become as second nature to yourselves so that this Love may flow into your souls continuously. May this blessing be yours my beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine and I love you God bless you beloveds, God bless you.