Messages 2017

Be Honest With Yourselves

August 13th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


I see you continue to make progress and you continue to be disciplined in your thinking and your diets. I commend you for your efforts. Though I have seen that some of you make exceptions to the routines that you have established at various times. Indeed, the intransigence of the conditions in this world tend to lead you astray, does it not? Yet, some are very disciplined, indeed.

Now I see that there are travels ahead for some of you. I wish to emphasize that these times of prayer and times that you take in prayer during the days that you are away are important. For this effort in prayer must be paramount within your mind. I know when you are travelling this can be difficult and challenging. We will try to inspire you and to create conditions where you have the opportunity to retreat in prayer. I would urge you to take advantage of these times as we will be accompanying you upon your travels. You cannot suspend your preparations because of these changing conditions and situations in your life. It is important to be consistent in your prayers and in those changed habits of diet and thought, to continue with these valiant efforts, beloved souls.

Each of you are being tested. Each of you are being challenged. We are helping you to see those parts of yourself that are so very human in nature, where you are influenced by the conditions of this world quite readily. For each of you have doors open within you that allow these conditions that are not altogether in harmony to affect you. We will help you to understand, to be aware where you are vulnerable and where you require greater effort to change. You see, you all embark upon a new phase in your spiritual life and efforts. You must be ready, strong and clear. The love must flow into each and every part of you, beloved souls, changing you, healing those parts, those aspects of your being.

There are many aspects within you that lie hidden and will be revealed as you continue on this journey of awakening, of learning how to love yourself and to be a channel of love in this world. Yes, raising yourselves to a higher condition of love, of harmony, of light. This is challenging work, is it not? To set forth and consciously say, “I will change, alter my patterns of behaviour, think more of what is in harmony, allow more love to flow, to be strong, humble, generous, more loving.”

All too often you are faced with decisions as these conditions, the human condition challenges you, wishes to draw you in, not necessarily into darkness, but into that grayness, that place of mediocrity, rather than light. It is easy to step into these conditions for each of you were raised within these conditions - they are familiar and sometimes bring comfort. It is that familiarity and desire within humanity to seek the comfort, to accept that which is unchallenging, and to say: “This is my life, this is what I understand to be the truth, to be acceptable and I wish to seek acceptance amongst others.” So, humanity draws upon itself, draws many into these conditions in the world. They are grey indeed, not altogether negative but certainly not positive, merely somewhere in between. In these conditions, a soul is not inspired, a soul is lost, a soul is unloved. It is for you, my beloveds, to teach others how to rise above these conditions, to be in the light, to have the truth sparkle within their consciences with clarity and beauty. To have their souls inspired to open to God and to allow that influence of His Love to change them that they may have the strength, the insight, the love to change, to make that effort to raise their foot upon another step higher and another step higher, incrementally rising into the light from that grey fog of mediocrity.

To be a source of inspiration, to be an example, you too must recognize these old patterns within you, those places that you willingly accept that are not in harmony with God’s Love, and to be honest with yourselves, to open your eyes, to be strong enough to accept the awarenesses that are coming as your souls grow in the Love, as we come closer to you and reflect to you these conditions that need to be transformed in love. This is the preparation, beloved souls, not only of your physical but of your spirit, in your mind. For, I tell you within your soul there is great light, a beautiful light but you must allow that light within your soul to penetrate every part of your being. You must allow the light in so that you will be fully transformed in this process of healing, uplifting and enlightening.

Yes, we become more serious in regards to communicating to you about the challenges that you face. For you have taken on a very demanding project in Direct Voice. It requires that you do indeed climb those stairs into light, in every aspect of your life and being. In this there is often discomfort, sometimes shocking realizations about yourself and understanding more fully how you may release the floodgates of love within you so that this love may permeate every part of you, may radiate out from you in powerful and beautiful ways, touching many souls.

We do not suggest that you remove yourself from the flow of humanity, the conditions of this world. No, my beloveds, you are not required to enter a cave within the mountaintop and to be just with God. No as much as some of you would deeply desire this, for it is so much easier to commune with God rather than your brothers and sisters in this world. It is necessary for you to be in this world and as we have said many times, but not of this world. So, as you continue to pray for God’s Love, you incrementally step away from these conditions that are not of love and not of God. As you readily accept this movement into light, it requires that you see with clarity what the barriers are that hold you back. Each of you have unique conditions within you, each struggle is unique, each barrier created from a lifetime of experience, conditions inherited from your ancestors and of course the choices that you have made in your life. To release these encrustations is the greatest challenge of a mortal who chooses to walk this Divine Path. In many cases those who choose this path, come to a point where they resolutely close their eyes and say, “I have had enough of looking within myself. I do not wish to change any further.” So, they create for themselves a schism, continuing to pray for the Love but not being willing to look at that which holds them back from being love. Again, your challenge my beloveds, do not close your eyes but open wide to see with honesty and integrity, truthfulness and trust in this process, this healing flow from God, to let go, to allow God to lift you up, to reclaim a sort of innocence, a freedom from these insidious and subtle conditions which you all absorb in your lives.

When you continue as a channel for God and when this gift of Direct Voice is open to you, this will challenge the world. This will undoubtedly inspire many but ultimately truth can be very challenging. The power of truth as Jesus said many years ago is like a sword piercing the soul. The soul must be willing to be laid bare. This is the true beginnings of love, the true beginnings of light when you are willing to look, when you are willing to release those conditions that lack love.

So, my beloved and beautiful souls, souls who have been nurtured in light and love, whose souls God’s Hand is upon, who are carried and healed and embraced by God, accept your fate, release your pain to find your at-onement with God and all the joy and harmony and light and innocence that this entails. Then those delusions and illusions that you carry, must indeed fall, fall by the wayside. In its place, there will be a depth of perception, a knowing and a strength that will make you a formidable channel of love in this world. For no longer will you see with the eyes of illusion, but see with the eyes of a soul who sees clearly. In order to see clearly the human condition, one must be strong and willing to not judge, but to love, not be angered but to forgive, not shrivel away but to face head on whatever is upon your path.

It is love that gives us the strength and the compassion and the desire to love you my beloveds, to be your guides and teachers, to uplift and uphold you. It is the power of love. We do not condemn and judge you but we have faith that as you continue to face yourselves to this truth of love, all those conditions within you that are not in harmony will indeed fall away. You will be released from these burdens, you will cry out in joy and relief as these things fall away. You will have such a lightness of being, such a beauty and light about you that many, many souls will be drawn and in this and you will teach and heal, love and comfort many. We will work together, beloved souls, as a team in this great effort, this part that is God’s Plan for the salvation of mankind. For as He enlists all those beautiful souls that are willing to walk in truth and light, are willing to release the error and are willing to be true to their true selves, their souls and true to God. All of these beautiful souls will be gathered, will be dispersed in the world and be used in many, many different ways, to break down the darkness in this world and bring the light of truth, the light of awareness, the light of God’s Love.

So, my beloved souls, you continue to grow, your souls continue to shed those conditions of which I speak and we continue to work with you on all levels so that we may accomplish our goals, our common goal to bring this great channel, this great gift to the world. I speak seriously to you today because it is important that you focus and are aware of the challenges that lie ahead as you desire to prepare yourselves. It is important that you do so both informed and aware. I do not speak to encourage a sense of reticence or fear. No, only that you may see that it takes great effort, it takes sincere longing, it takes a capacity within you to see the truth about yourself and about this world. As shocking as it may be as you open your eyes to these conditions, as you turn to your Heavenly Father for comfort and strength it will be given, all will be given. You need not be reluctant or fearful, but joyful in the dawning awareness, the growing love, the beautiful light that is and will be your life, your being in this world.

Stand tall, my beloveds. You are beautiful, you are loved beyond measure. You are surrounded and protected. We are with you. God’s Hand is surely upon you and you will overcome those barriers within. Continue in your efforts. Be prayerful. Love yourselves. Be honest and true and all else will fall into place beloveds, as love slowly conquers everything within you that puts up this resistance and fear. God bless you beloveds. Your teacher, Augustine loves you dearly, is with you as you continue to grow and I will continue to guide and teach and support you all the days of your lives. God bless you. God bless you, beloved souls. I am with you. God bless you.