Messages 2017

Bring Your Light Forward

December 9th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by Al Fike.


God bless you, my beloved son it is Confucius. I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom, close to God.

My little birds, it is so good to see you flock together in this way to bring your wisdom and your truth together in love and respect for one another.1 This is what the world needs, my beloveds, more of this communication and Love. For humanity must come together with mutual understanding and sharing and love for one another. For each tradition has its wisdom to bring, its understanding to share. There is great wisdom in God’s Creation, very much to share amongst you, my beloveds. The world needs Truth. The world needs Love. The world needs those who are willing to stand up for this, this Light. For how will the world change without those who carry Light and Truth, Love and wisdom? It will be changed by those who are willing to bring this forth, to stand up in the Light and be an example of Love.

So in this beautiful circle there is much Love and much Light. I applaud you all, my beloveds, for making the effort to reach out to one another, to see how caring for one another and reaching out in Love brings greater Light to this world and to yourselves and how God continues to knit his family of children together as your souls awaken, beloved souls, as your souls awaken and come to see the Truth from that perspective, that awareness, and to build bridges amongst you, to collaborate to help to change this world and bring greater knowledge to mankind.

You are but a few, but there are many more, many more. Reach out to all that you can, my beloveds, all that you can with your message, with your love and God will guide you so. God will guide you to many places and you will touch many souls for you are within the river of His Love and His Will. It carries you, it carries you to many souls.

May the Heavenly Father continue to bless you, my beloveds. May you continue to awaken within and to see the Truth with clarity and to speak the Truth with love. God bless you, my beloveds. I am Confucius. Yes that old sage continues to be with mankind to help many of you as you traverse this world to bring Light. I am but one of many, many who continue to assist you in your efforts for God provides His angels for those who have a deep desire to serve in Love. May you continue to be blessed and carried within the Light. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.

Note 1. We had a visit from Hari Nam Singh and several of his Sikh Group. They are all well known to M. They did their prayer ritual and we shared ours and a meal. It was a lovely time.