Messages 2017

Closing message to the DV group

December 17th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, I come, I am Jesus. I come to bid you farewell. I come to embrace you and welcome you to a new life, a life now where God brings His counsel and blessings to you in a deeper way, where your gifts shall be expressed more abundantly. For you have attained a level of spiritual growth and of soul awakening that allows many expressions of your soul and channels of God’s Love in your lives. Now you see, my beloveds, what is meant for you. Yet this is only a glimpse. This is only the beginning of God’s unfolding plan for each of you, of God’s plan for the salvation of mankind expressed through each of you. There are more awakenings to come, my beloveds, more understanding, as the Love continues to penetrate deep within your souls changing all that is within you, bringing Truth, bringing the potentials of your souls into this world, touching many others.

You have overcome many barriers, my beloveds. You have looked deeply within yourselves. You have expressed your desires and your souls to God, and God has responded in beautiful and healing ways lifting you up, beloveds, lifting you up into the Light of His Love and His presence.

You must sustain this Light within you. You must continue in your earnest prayers and your desires and acknowledging whatever may hold you back at this time, to bring it to God to be released and healed. You are well on your way, beloved souls, well on your way. Now the angels can come closer than ever and work in wondrous ways through your instrumentality, with those gifts that God has implanted within your souls. They shall come ever closer still until they feel as if they are a tangible part of your life. You will feel their closeness so completely that this will become normal in your daily life. You will thus be guided to the work that is awaiting you, beloveds. This work shall expand and the momentum grow for God intends you to touch many souls as His instruments of Truth in this world.

Do not allow your minds to limit these expressions or to thwart God’s plans for you. But as you are in your soul, in your awareness, in your love, all comes clear and in harmony with nothing rent asunder by the willfulness of your mind. All will come clear, my beloveds. Yes this gift that you have obtained must flourish as you continue to grow in His Love, as you continue to awaken within your souls. Many more gifts are to come, beloved souls, many more gifts, for God will utilize every beautiful aspect of your being in service to humanity.

So you just begin to awaken, to understand, to know your own true selves and what you are capable of in this world as a channel of God’s Love. Allow what you have learned to settle within you and to become a natural part of your awareness and thinking, to be comfortable with this newfound aspect of yourself and to learn how to use and utilize the gifts given to assist yourselves in life and to assist others as this wisdom grows within you and God’s guidance flourishes within your soul.

Yes you shall come together again and in many ways you will work together in different combinations to do God’s work. All will unfold in your undertakings to serve humanity in Love. There is nothing left to chance, my beloveds, in God’s plan. So it is for you to continue to awaken and to bring within your consciousness the knowledge of God’s plan for you with each day. You will undertake many things as your life unfolds in Love for you are now truly my disciples. You understand the power of Love and what this great blessing is doing to remake your soul, to bring you into harmony and at-onement with God.

We continue, beloved souls, upon this journey towards greater Light and harmony. You have stepped many paces upon this road as you have been together. Now the bonds that you have formed, the Love that you share, the acknowledgement that you have one to another will assist you greatly in the continuance of your soul growth and awakening. Love and support of one another. Be a true brother and sister to one another. Allow the Love within your soul, the peace that you have attained, the wisdom that grows within to flow out to your brothers and sisters in this world, for there are many in need, my beloveds, many in need. God awaits your decision to step forward and share the Truth of the power of God’s Love.

My blessings are with you, beloved souls. I have been with you. I shall continue to be with you. I shall never leave you for you are my true brothers and sisters. I am your true brother. Together we shall work to awaken mankind. God bless you. My love is with you. God bless you.