Messages 2017

Confidentiality Guidance

July 22nd, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


My beloved children, is it not fair for you to declare yourself to the world and your intentions? You have already done so, many of you have done so. There is no need to hide away, to be secretive, to worry about the responses you will receive to your declarations. All of that is done in love will create light and for some a confrontation, for some for many, curiosity. Indeed I have talked about how others may project upon you their ideas and thoughts, their worries and their cares. As you walk in this world, indeed there is much error and unloving thinking and doing. This is part of the human condition. I understand how you would like to insulate yourself from these conditions, to create amongst your small circle a protective light, a sense of comfort and trust, of love.

Indeed, there are times when your silence is the best remedy for a situation. To know your own soul’s discernment and judgment regarding how you will speak and behave is important. Each of these situations each day that comes upon your path is both a test and a blessing. Some of you are more open and trusting of others than some who are not. You who lack trust or are cautious must realize that when you declare yourselves as a channel of God’s Love, when you walk in this world you are trusting in the flow of God’s Love and Will in your life. What may come in response is not always to your liking or comfortable or positive. As long as you are in that flow of His Love, in that Light, is it not your desire to please God, to be in harmony with God’s Laws, to indeed declare yourselves as you walk in this world as His channel? When others ask you “what are you doing, what is the focus of your life, and how are you going about this” it is your choice as to what you may say. God does not insist that you tell all or be open to all in terms of revealing your personal activities in life. No, my beloveds, you have private things and you have bits of information which bring light when you share them with others. It is your choice and the level of your own discernment as to how you may reveal these things, these drops of truth and information.

I know none of you wish to be hurtful towards others and yet you feel protective towards one another. I would say the more open you are about your efforts towards Direct Voice, it follows that you are more vulnerable to criticism and reaction from others. You are also more open to their loving support and approval. This is your choice, how you wish to proceed, how open you are. It is your choice. If indeed you are very sensitive to the judgement of others, I would suggest you be tight lipped regarding these efforts, for you will indeed receive criticism. Now will this criticism, will these thoughts from others affect your efforts? If you are all in harmony, if you speak with one voice, if you pray with one voice, if your desires are in synch with one another, negativity cannot penetrate this light, for you will have reached for God in this one voice and prayer, and you will receive the powerful blessings from your Creator that is impenetrable by the dark forces of this world. So, as we have always asked, you must reach above the conditions of this earth to the conditions of heaven, of the great Soul of your Heavenly Father and receive the bountiful blessings that He has to give to you. In this harmony and one voice, all will come that is required for you to be successful in this venture, to be successful in your life, to be a bright soul in this world. As you change and are changed by this great blessing of His Love, all the words from all the people are not so significant, and cannot damage or hurt your soul knowing that what you stand for, what you declare in your life, who you are and what you do is in the flow of God’s Will, and not in compliance to the will of others.

Yes, it creates a detachment, a distance from some in your life because it is so different from their lives, so difficult for them to understand, to relate to your way. Indeed, this is the common condition amongst those of you who follow the Truths of the Father’s Love. You do not truly feel a part of the flow of humanity; it separates you and often brings you sadness or a sense that you are not accepted, that you are different.

But, my beloveds, this does not mean that you cannot love others, that you cannot show love and connect, reach out to your brothers and sisters in the world. By all means, do so, be a channel of love in the world. Some will be threatened by you because they feel that difference. They are sensitive to the light around you and yet some may even feel anger and reaction. Are you not seeing that in your life, many are attracted, desire what you have, are making great efforts to support you and to be with you in this great truth of Divine Love. Would you say to them that “you are unworthy of knowing who I am, you are unworthy of my efforts, you are unworthy to know what is truly important to me?” No, my beloveds, there is none amongst you who would push away those who are drawn in love. Yet, as it’s a challenge of any and all mortals to communicate these deep, meaningful aspects of your life in a way that is acceptable and relatable to the others is a challenge, it is a test. You are facing a test at this moment, who will I reveal my actions to in these efforts for Direct Voice? How will I reveal these things? Who will I draw into my circle of influence? Because I wish for them to know what I have declared in my life has to be important and will take my energies and efforts and focus. Again, I reiterate, it is your choice and it is your challenge.

You may indeed wish to be exclusive, to withdraw, to be closed to revealing these parts of yourself. This does indeed make life easier, less complicated, sidestepping these challenges, these tests. I would say that if this is your choice, it does not hamper your efforts. But I will caution you that others already are speaking of you. You have not remained hidden, my beloveds. You see, when you walk in light, when you make efforts as you have done to follow the guidance that God has given you, express yourselves in the wider community of those who seek the Father’s Love, and within your lives declaring yourselves in this way, you garner the attention, the focus of many. You may naively walk through life assuming that this focus is not present; but it is, my beloveds, and it is this attention that God uses to forge a channel of Love, a sphere of influence as a channel of His Will and blessings for others. You are being used in this way and many different ways, many different levels, to influence the world, my beloveds, conditions of this world, creating a beachhead of light in the darkness. I know this is difficult for you to understand in all its complexities, but it is true. God is using you in every moment of every day. Much of this you are not aware of, yet it is true. Many of you who are sensitive prefer the quiet life, to sidestep the complexities of the human condition and the interactions that come from this. You want to be with God and in this peace and love and this is understandable. But God has different ideas, plans for you, each one of you, my beloveds, and you must be strong to be able to step forward into the world with a strong sense of yourself, your relationship with your Creator, your soul and your purpose. As this strengthens within you, as you remove those doubts, step away from those places that trip you up and inhibit you, and walk more fully in the light and harmony and peace, joy. When someone utters words of rejection or anger, suspicion, jealousy, they will fall away. You have that expression “like water off a duck’s back.” Indeed, this is how it will be, they will not touch you because you will know who you are, you will know that God is guiding you, you will feel the power of this great flow of Light, purpose, direction. All else that is not in harmony with this will fall away from you or at least you will not feel that influence pushing you hither and yon. No, my beloveds, you will walk that straight path, that great purposeful loving path lit by God, accompanied by the angels, walking in this joyful expression of Truth.

When you encounter complications there will be those who will assist you in pushing aside those barriers, and there will be those who will join you in these great efforts. God does indeed have a plan, which will move you forward. Put your worries aside, my beloveds. In many ways these worries are a reflection of your own reticence to acknowledge within yourself this migration from that human side of you to the divine, to the soul. You see reflected in others your own fears, your own willful desires to hold on as you continue to have one foot anchored in the human condition and one foot within the divine, in the soul consciousness and God. Each and every mortal and spirit must struggle with this. It is universal for those who wish to enter upon the Divine Path, to struggle with these two elements within you, one very much weighed down by the conditions of the world and one liberated by the conditions of Love. You lament, you worry, you pray, you plead with God to release you from these conditions for you do indeed see the difference and this, my beloveds, has brought you further than many upon this world. To be able to discern between the two is a powerful step in your soul’s progression. Have faith, my beloveds, that you will indeed have both feet within the consciousness of God. Some are further along in this than others yet you all struggle, you all worry. Even our beloved Master worried and struggled with this when he walked this earth. So, my beloveds, you are not alone. We indeed have compassion and understanding of your struggles for we too struggled in this way as did all who walked this earth, longing for the bliss of heaven yet feeling the leaded feet of earth.

I tell you, beloved souls, prayer is the key, is the answer to your dilemma, prayer and more prayer, asking God to pour His Love within your soul. It is the key to all. Beloved souls, may you continue to walk this path of Love, to serve God in whatever capacity you are able, to progress so that your capacities may strengthen and deepen in Love, that you may embrace all without fear of rejection, without fear of what they think about you, but to walk knowing who you truly are and what you truly represent, which is the power of Love, the glory of Divine Love, the beauty of a soul shining in Love, the wisdom, the knowledge that comes with this, the joy that is inevitable and pervasive when a soul is liberated in Love. You are coming to that place, beloved souls. The angels working with you feel the joy of anticipation of embracing another soul as part of this great family of God’s children in Love who continue to migrate ever closer to that place.

Yes, it is not easy, it is challenging but you do also reap the rewards, you feel a joy within your souls, you walk a lighted path, protected, guided, blessed, educated, nurtured and supported in Love. So even though you harbor your fears, you are afraid that you will be further rejected by those around you because of these differences and this focus that you have taken in your lives. But I tell you it is inevitable that you will change and that others will acknowledge and recognize this change within you and in your life. It is the power of God’s Love healing your souls and bringing you into harmony so no matter how secretive you may try to be, you will not be successful for your light shines for all to see, for all those who wish to see. You will find rejection in this at times, but more often you will find those whose souls are injured but long for healing, whose souls have the spark of desire for the Father’s Love to come to you and ask “what is it that I feel within me, this longing, what is it?” And you will answer, “it is God calling you, bringing forth His Love, asking you to accept His gift.” This is what this is all about, my children, answering that call, bringing this knowledge forth into the world. It will be done in many different ways as you well know. You have committed to bringing forth this Direct Voice gift to add yet another aspect of communication of answering that deep question and longing within so many souls, of lifting up the lost souls in this world. So, indeed, there will be a time when you must declare yourselves; you will not hide away. That time will be different for each one of you, my beloveds. It is it not for you to say to another, do not declare yourself at this time. No, my beloveds, it is an individual choice. You may feel that that choice of another may influence you in derogatory ways. I say this is not true, this is not correct. For each soul must stand up in their own time and their own way and declare themselves to the world. I do not say that they must declare I am preparing for this gift. This is not what I mean. But they must say I am with God, I declare myself as a channel of God’s Love and Truth. I am doing everything that I am able to bring forth this Light and Truth to the world. God bless them, each one, who makes this effort.

So, my beloveds, I have spoken enough. God bless you, beloved souls. I am Seretta Kem. Good night.