Messages 2017

David, King of the Jews

November 18th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by A.F.


I am King David of the Jews. I wish to appear before my people that they may hear what I have to say as their great king who has now entered into the Celestial Kingdom. Though no longer a king, I still have great concern for my people, the Jews of this world, and wish to speak Truth to them that they may find comfort in my words and may be uplifted to God.

I continue to serve my people and to seek to protect and uphold them that their souls may find God, that their lives may be fulfilled in this way. I will make every effort to be a part of this venture of yours that this may be a great gift to humanity, that the portals of communication may be opened, that the Truth may flow from those places of Light to all peoples of this world of yours. Continue in your efforts, beloved souls, and we shall work together to bring harmony to your world and enlightenment to many spirits in mine. This project is vast and far reaching. You only begin.

May God bless you upon this journey and bring you to that place of at-onement with Him. God bless you. I am David. God bless you.