Messages 2017

Direct Voice Guidance continued

May 26th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


I wish to continue my message from yesterday regarding direct voice. And this portion of the message will refer to the possibilities and potentials of this gift changing your lives; opening up avenues of service; possibilities of reaching out into the world with this gift.

The greatest challenge of mortals - those who wish to present the Truth of Divine Love into the world - is to gain the attention of others. For within the minds of mortals are many ideas, structures, concepts, and paradigms of Truth. The mind enjoys making the simple Truth into a complex matter. The mind also is gratified with words and explanations and rationalizations, for the mind is designed to assimilate facts and draw conclusions from those facts. And this, of course, distorts and causes error to form around Truth. So the Truth then is magnified by many ideas and perceptions and conclusions drawn by the mind. The soul often is not involved whatsoever in the pursuit of Truth because of the conditions of this world. The mind is predominant and fills the entire consciousness of the individual, leaving very little room for the souls’ inclusion in the discerning of Truth. And thus you have a great challenge my friends, to bring the simple Truth of God’s Love to humanity, for the mental conditions of this world, of the mindful world, do not readily accept and agree with the simplicity and power of God’s Truth. There is always a need to adorn and multiply these simple Truths with many many ideas, often borne of the imagination of the mind. Thus you have a multiplicity of religions in the world. And within what you call “New Thought”, there are myriad permutations of these ideas as well. The world is full of thought, full of what is presented as Truth, but is merely a shadow of Truth, grandiose explanations for simple Truth. God’s Love is simple. God’s Love is pure. God’s Love does not require complex explanations. God’s Love is drawn into the soul, for the soul understands and knows, in ways that the mind has no possibility of doing so.

And so how do you get the attention of humanity? How do you teach the simple Truth? We have told you many times, be an example, walk in the world in Love, allow God to use you as a channel of Love, which he does in many different ways on many different levels. But these ways and means are often very subtle, and these cues are not readily picked up by those you meet, yet seeds are sown within the soul, light is spread within the world. The possibility of Truth has been presented through you and through others who are willing to be such instruments in the world.

And now you have embarked upon a project which will bring in more overt examples of these Truths. Bringing the channel of teaching and demonstrating these Truths down to a material level, where they can be readily understood. The evidence becomes clear with material manifestations and the content is that of a pure Truth given by the angels. Now I do not see why anyone would be skeptical if such a mechanism were present in this world from this effort. I can see why you are somewhat reluctant because you, as well as we, understand the barriers that are in place in bringing forth this beautiful gift. As for the challenges that are presented to you my beloveds, you must rise up into the conditions required so that we may work together and open the door to this possibility. It is challenging, but do not doubt the effects that will come with this gift in terms of reaching many souls, bringing beautiful and pure Truth to this world. This will happen if you are successful; you will reach many thousands upon thousands of souls, if you are successful. Your lives will change, my beloveds, because many will want to hear what is to be said by we in the Celestial spheres and those higher spirits who have information to bring to the world. This opens a channel for much information to be given to the world. For information that is crucial to bring greater harmony to your world. And with the means that this information is given, there may be those who are skeptical, but many will listen because, they will see the plain Truth before them, delivered with a material mechanism; the direct voice.

So for those of you who wonder “Will this gift be effective?” I say yes, very effective, if handled and used in the correct way under guidance, under soul recognition of what must be done, under the auspices of integrity and faith. And you will be called upon to travel to many parts of the world and this we have said to you often, that you will travel and you will be present in many places to give this message of hope and New Birth to the world. As the world continues to be in flux and change, and shifting conditions, you will be a stabilizing factor for many. You will open the eyes of hope, encouragement, Truth and peace, for those who are in desperate need of these things. The world is in a terrible state of deprivation and it is covered by the materialism that you see all about you. And because of this dichotomy, the vast majority of the world is able to live under the delusion that they are safe and happy. Yet underneath all of this, these layers of material comfort and distraction is a soul crying out for Love, a soul that is wasting away because it is not seen, not recognized by the mindful conditions of humanity. And thus until this recognition is in place and there is a greater balance amongst mankind, the world will continue to plunge into darkness, for there is a great imbalance with humanity’s present course of development. And because their foundations are upon the sands of merely the understandings of the material mind, this will crumble; this cannot withstand the expectations of those who view the world without Love, without seeing the entire picture, the Truth of why you exist upon this world.

The message of Love must be given in order to heal, not only the injured souls of so many, but the injury of this world, the imbalances and the inequities, and the suffering of the creatures of this world as it continues to be burdened by the expectations of man. How far can this go my beloveds, without causing great devastation and pain to humanity because they insist on error and are ignorant of Truth, as they desire material gratification over all else? This cannot continue beloveds, and we in spirit who see from lofty heights and deep awareness the conditions of this world, earnestly desire to bring forth possibilities of healing, the channels of Truth, the ways in which humanity may listen and take notice. And so you, my beloveds, are precious to us because you are willing and you desire to open this channel of Truth for the world. To be God’s instruments of healing and Light and Love and Truth. And so we continue to uphold you, to teach you, to give to you what is required, that we may lend success to this venture.

Your role and efforts in this are to continue to pray with great fervency to seek Truth always; to be with your Heavenly Father as fully as you might be; to make those efforts to live within your souls; to be that example for humanity where the balance between the mind and the soul is forged, and steady, and sure.

And so preparation for this work is not so much of the material form, although keeping your bodies in good sound condition is of importance. You must continue to feed your souls with God’s Love, and yearn for this Love, yearn above all else. For as you feast upon the Love, all will come into place. This work will expand and this Truth will be known in the world. And I know that you often swing between the material consciousness and the soul consciousness and it is hard for you to keep both within you at all times. But as you continue to strive towards this goal, it will become easier and you will know how to be in the world in this way, to carry the awareness of God’s touch upon you at all times, and to navigate the material world so that you may reach out to many. We will assist you in this, we will continue to help you develop this unified awareness. And we are with you in your struggles and we are so very joyed that you desire to serve in this way. We are praying for your success and I will tell you that the entire Celestial Kingdom is praying for you my beloveds. May you continue to be carried in the light; that you continue to open to the Truth; that your souls continue to expand and envelope your entire being in Love, that you may bring forth these gifts with wisdom and strength, Love and courage, that you may walk in this world, solely guided by God. This is the change that is coming in your life, my beloveds, to walk in the world solely guided by God. Then all those attachments and worries of the material life will be as nothing, for you will see with great vision. You will understand with great soul wisdom, the faculties of your soul will be alive, awakened and will move in the Grace of God. And thus, you will be a true example of the power of God’s Love. May every footfall be blessed beloveds. May you consider what I have said and take this to prayer each day, and strive for the highest, walk in the Light, open your souls more fully to God’s blessings and we will continue to support and Love and guide you. Our Love is with you. We all walk together for the purpose of the salvation of mankind. You are Loved, you are Loved. God bless you. I am Seretta Kem. God bless you.