Messages 2017

Guidance concerning your Guides

July 16th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


It is Goldie and I bring a surprise! Our dear and beloved M has the guide of Lotus Blossom helping her with her efforts for Direct Voice. I know she thinks of Gandhi often and he is with her often and he does indeed have a desire to work with all of you for Direct Voice and would Love to come forward in Direct Voice to the world. This is part of our plan but you must realize that those spirits that will be assisting you in your development of this gift are gifted in their own right in certain ways. The chemistries that come with this special association that you all have in this group with these particular angels is important. Each one will give specific blessings and benefits to those who are developing for Direct Voice. So, the dear Lotus Blossom, who was involved in years past with this development, is eager again to take up the torch and will create a special rapport with the dear and beloved soul. So she is not left out. No, beloveds, never, but is gifted with this beautiful soul, this Lotus Blossom. There is special knowledge within this beautiful spirit of the energy flows within the body. She is a gifted healer and she has many other gifts that will assist our beloved friend as she continues to open and develop in her gifts and her contribution to this great effort.

(Keea speaks?) Each of you carries a unique gift that will contribute and add to your efforts for Direct Voice. As you continue to prepare in prayer for the Father’s Love, in efforts to strengthen your body so that you are ready to nurture this gift and efforts to clear your spirit and your light so that you are not obstructing the flow of energies, the blessings that will come through each one of you. You will enhance this special gift that you bring. Think of it as you if carry a piece of a big circle and that piece must match all the other pieces and come together as a perfect circle. When the vibration and energy of this beautiful ring of light is perfected, there will be the great blessing of Direct Voice. Spirits will materialise in front of you, my beloveds. Voices will be heard. Guidance will be given. So you carry this gift within you.

As you continue to seek for the Light, to be in harmony with God and His great flow of Love and all aspects of your being vibrate together in loving harmony, so this component that you bring will vibrate and resonate with all the other components that you each bring, creating this perfect ring, this beautiful light, this portal to bring about the communication that we so desire to bring to this world. It will come in ways that will not be suppressed or altered or filtered but clear and true, resonating with the Will of God, bringing valuable information to humanity, teaching a new way of being for all of humanity. You are all a part of God’s Plan, beloveds, to bring healing and truth, love and peace to your troubled world.

Continue beloveds to work towards light, to bring yourselves up into that beautiful Light and Love and closeness to God and in harmony with the Laws of God and His Love. You will feel with each day a vibrancy, a joy, a knowing that you are indeed on the right path, heading in the right direction and fulfilling a deep purpose. Your souls already dance with joy with this and this will be a conscious feeling, the way you will feel in every part of your being, this joy and love and vibrancy. It will affect every cell in your being, every part and this will enhance your gifts and enhance the ring of light.

Continue to pray for the Father’s Love, to long for this. Pray for it, beloveds. Ask God to fill your souls with His Great Love. Say those words and feel the power of those words, the longing within your soul as it lifts you up into that Light and closeness with God. As you drink the living waters and feel the soothing, joyful Love, flowing over you and into you. It is here now, beloveds. Drink deep, seek long, ask, open all will be given. God bless you. I am Keea. I am Keea Atta Kem.