Messages 2017

Guidance regarding the next phase of development

November 4th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


So, my children wish to run rather than walk? They are eager to begin and to manifest this gift of direct voice without carefully understanding what this entails. But you have been given much guidance, my friends, much guidance. Do you really understand what it is we are trying to achieve? To go from the conditions of this world to the conditions of a celestial being? That is a very long road to travel, a very long road indeed. Yet you have within you a light, the blessings of God’s Divine Love sparking you upon this journey, helping you to achieve a light within you and indeed that light does burn beautifully compared to the contrast of the darkness of this world. It is beautiful indeed, the light that shines within each one of you.

Now we begin a new phase of the development of this gift. So you feel that you have started at the beginning once again, but you wish to experience this heightened sensation of love and harmony, to be well nurtured in this light and to be cocooned in love. But for us to begin with the development of direct voice, the energies must go elsewhere towards your physical and your spirit bodies so that we may prepare each level within you, so that they may all come into alignment and work together flawlessly in order for this gift to come forth. You have been working as well. We certainly have acknowledged the efforts that you have made and continue to encourage you upon these trajectories. Yet our constant battle, which is also your battle, is to keep the material condition of this world away, to make room for the Light, beloved God, to sustain you and to infuse every part of you and every aspect of your being. We cannot do this alone. It must be a collaboration between yourselves and those of us who are assisting you and the Touch of God within your soul which comes with deep desire, passionate desire for this Love. So some of you are somewhat disappointed this morning with the conditions that you encountered in your experience together.

But this lower condition is to be expected at this time because as I have said, we need to focus upon your physical and spirit bodies to bring particular chemicals and energies into play with each one of you. Spinning these substances through the circle that you have observed amongst you, spinning them quickly so that a sort of an homogenization may take place within each one of you. For you each contribute something to this mix and we contribute many things. It is important that this stretching out of the materials happens with the spinning of them together. It helps them to merge together and when this is achieved we stop this motion and each receives a portion that settles within. So you see there may be uncomfortable effects from this procedure but they are not harmful in any way. Some are more sensitive than others but this is the way of the world is it not? You all have different levels and aspects of sensitivity and awareness. It is your nature, what God has given you as a gift. So you will not all see together in unison what takes place with each moment when you are together in the dark room but you will get a sense, each one of you will have a sense of what is happening. Your minds may come into play and produce imagery that correlates with your sense of experience. This is not so much imagination as it is interpretation of the experience and so accept it gratefully. Each experience is a gift. Each perception interplays with all the other perceptions in the brain creating a tapestry of understanding and of awareness of what is happening during this unique experience together.

So we will continue this process of spinning the elements. We will also be doing individual procedures, some of which will be done outside of the darkened room. There will be sensations that will not be familiar to you. You may experience some discomfort at times. At other times you will feel an upliftment from the procedures that are being performed. Yes there are many technical aspects to this development because it is a very complex gift and we have many, many spirits and angels involved in the procedures and efforts that we are making in this development.

It is important for you, my beloved, beloved students and friends to allow what is happening to take place and to relax. Do not allow your minds to have too much influence upon what you are experiencing rather to be open, trusting and available to what is in process. Somewhat like a patient that goes to the operating room and accepts that this must be done. Indeed the many things that will unfold in this experience and procedure of development are necessary and will have curious effects upon you. Each one will be unique. Your bodies down to the cellular level are changing. There is a sort of metamorphosis that is happening with each one of you. This is inevitable because of the energies and elements that are being added to your brain, bodies and spirit bodies. There must be a response, a change. It may seem very subtle at first but this will gain momentum. Some faculties within your soul may respond and open from the influences from these energies in combination with the power of the Divine Love within your souls, these things will come to consciousness. You will perceive differently as a result of what we are accomplishing within each one of you.

There will be a shift of attitude within your mind, a letting go of many long held attachments and patterns within your mind. You see you must be able to let go of those resistances and biases and ideas that will hold you back from this instrumentality that is being developed within each one of you. Some of these things you are well aware of, for you deal with these patterns each day and other things are not so obvious, but in time you will be letting go of all of these disturbances within you. A greater harmony will ensue as you grow in the Love and as you are affected by what we are doing together. Every part of you will be affected and you will notice this. You cannot help but notice the changes, the shifts within you and great love welling up. Our desire is that indeed the consciousness of your soul merges with the consciousness of your material mind. What a great benefit you will have with this unfolding change within you. The world will indeed look different my friends. It will look very different and this will help you to see and understand how these gifts are being developed, and will play a significant role in your lives and in your instrumentality in this world as God’s channels of love. Very few have had these opportunities, my friends. Mostly because very few have desired this and pursued it. Yet the goal is for all to be changed in love, to allow love to change them, to desire this change, deeply and profoundly.

So you have set yourself upon this course of change, of the evolution of your being, a growing of your soul, the alignment of your bodies and your mind altogether functioning in perfect harmony. What a powerful instrument you will become when these things are accomplished, when there is true alignment within you. At this time you see glimpses, you have a variety of experiences and you see with a glimmer of wisdom and depth of understanding. This will grow as you continue to be a part of this awakening and development within. So we begin cautiously, slowly. We cannot take you from one to a thousand instantly, my beloveds. It must happen one step at a time, incrementally and carefully. We do not wish to have this gift developed and lost. It must remain in a stable condition and state within each one of you and you must do what is necessary in order to ensure the stability as well as what we will do to help fix this gift within you so that it does not shift into something undesirable or problematic. It must be strongly fixed within your being in a way that it will not shift or alter or diminish. So this will take time and effort on all our part.

As time marches on, as you are together you will see, you will recognize these steps as you experience them and go through these procedures. Indeed may your curiosity open your senses to what is happening and may the excitement within your soul of great and deep desire to serve God assist all that is meant to come and be within you. Yes, you certainly are on the verge of something quite miraculous, quite beautiful and powerful. How Love can create such beauty, such wondrous things, releasing the potential of your soul, allowing God to work through you in wondrous ways, bringing the Truth forth, all infused with love and harmony. You are clearly blessed children, loved by God and nurtured by the angels. What a blessing, what gifts. May you continue to unfold in this love and strive for the highest and work for the good of mankind through knowing the Will of God.

Blessed souls, I am Matthew and I love you. I continue to work with you as we forge ahead as do all those who committed to this project. We never leave you, my friends, never leave you. You are in the loving care of the angels. You have God’s Beautiful Blessings pouring upon you. Open to this, open wide, always open to receive. Make each day a dedication to this wondrous, outflowing from God to you and all will be well. All will be well my friends. God bless you. God bless you.