Messages 2017

Harmony of Mind and Soul

November 11th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, beloved souls, I am Martin Luther. I have come once again to speak to you. May the Father’s Love continue to pour into your souls, my friends, so that His Love may open the perceptions of your souls. And so that you may see the world clearly, that you may understand the purpose of life, the blessings of life, the creation of life, of what is God’s doing and His gift to you. That all of these things may come clearly into your awareness, into your souls’ knowing, perceiving and being in this world.

For perception is a powerful thing, is it not? How one understands and sees the world, how one makes sense of the world and makes sense of their own being. Perception informs choice, does it not, and perception is a malleable thing? It changes in accordance to the influences from outside of yourselves and the thoughts that you cultivate within yourselves. There is a great deal of mixing and allowing thoughts and energies to enter into your consciousness - whether you are aware of this or not. These influences are always active in the world, whether it be from the thoughts of those who share this world with you, or from the thoughts of spirits who are around you and the influence of God that pours upon you. All of these elements conspire and come together to make within your consciousness a perception of reality. Indeed your choices carry much influence upon what you see as you open yourselves to many different things, all the different influences in this world.

As a child you were fed ideas and concepts through the education that you received from your parents and from society. You took those things, combined them with your own perceptions and created a construct, a truth, thinking within yourselves that you are perceiving reality. Instead you are perceiving your interpretation of reality and in so doing you have made the world unique for yourselves. Though you may share certain perceptions or ideas with others, how this combines within your mind, the material mind, often determines the road that you will travel in your life. These concepts are laid down layer upon layer within your consciousness, very deep and very powerful. Motivating many actions and reactions to the world.

Now we have invited you to disassemble this laid down concept of reality and as you mine the layers of your mind and bring your consciousness closer to the reality of your soul’s awareness, you begin to understand what it is that we are talking about. What truth truly is. This is not an easy task for these awarenesses of the mind are hard fast within you. They do not release readily from your consciousness and indeed much of what is within your mind is valuable. It is not all to be thrown away, no, but to blend this with the consciousness of your soul is the goal. To allow this truer reality that comes with the opening and flowering of the faculties of your soul through the reception of God’s Love brings a deep change of perception. Indeed the world looks differently when the soul is activated and the perceptions and gifts of the soul bring a truer sense of God’s creation. Even with this there is no absolute truth or perception of the world, for each individual creates within their consciousness perceptions of reality that are unique and in many ways this defines personality.

It is the operations of the mind’s concepts on the experience that each soul has in the world that often determines one’s behavior, one’s actions and one’s desires. So one must have a great deal of respect for the operations of the faculties within the individual, both from the mind and the soul. For they are powerful forces within you and they determine much of the road that you will travel in service to God.

God cannot force you to change anything in your lives. God merely invites you to that place that is more in harmony with His Soul, His Truth - the Reality that is indeed absolute. As you come closer to God, as your soul expands with His Love and as all the gifts within start to bear fruits within you, then the picture becomes clearer, the understanding deeper and the truth more valid. Yet, even with this, your experience of the world will be unique and your experience of God will be unique and yet you will feel a kinship and a brotherhood and sisterhood to one another. Your bond of love will be so profound that you will to some degree understand one another, have a glimpse of their reality and who they truly are. The faculties of the soul are deep indeed and brings one ever closer in unity and love with your brothers and sisters in this world. A deep compassion rises up from the soul when one sees the pain of another. A great joy also rises up when one recognizes the light of another soul. 

A unifying sense of belonging and connection with others comes with prayer to God. When His Love pours down upon you, you all experience something that is beautiful, powerful and joyful. Thus as you grow in your perceptions, as your realities come into harmony with one another, you may work together more precisely, more in tune, more harmoniously. For you are able to absorb the truth of another to some degree and in this you are connected in an intimate way, in a way that fosters Love and acceptance, rather than judgement and fear. As the mind opens to the reality of the soul and comes to accept this union of the material and the spiritual as it brings forth a beautiful reality, an accurate understanding, a deep wisdom and a joyful recognition of the true purpose of life. This comes with the soul awakening and recognizing its own self and coming to love oneself more fully as one’s perceptions grow, expand and encompass the truth of one’s existence, one’s beautiful attributes and one’s creation. 

So much comes once the awakening of the soul is accepted by the material mind. This marriage of two different faculties within yourself brings a wholeness, a unifying understanding and perception that brings harmony within you. Much of the disharmony within you is your inability to recognize the wisdom and truth of your own soul, for your soul is connected with God. It continues to thrive in the Light of God’s Love, in the outpourings of God’s Soul to your soul. One’s ability to perceive this, to understand and accept this experience that is happening profoundly within your soul must come with the mind’s acquiescence. This is built on faith, faith in God, for the mind accepts and the soul knows and with this comes harmony within. A true Awakening begins with this understanding and little is in conflict when the soul and the mind are unified and perceptions are clear, understandings deep, wisdom and joy abound with this accepted and embraced relationship within you.

Each of you are gifted with this opportunity, beloved souls. To embrace within you your true selves and we come to help you in this. We come to bring our wisdom and our love, so that you may not feel alone, for you are not, in this internal awakening and opening and flowering. We have all had this experience and we recognize the glimmers and Light within you that are working to bring you to this place of unity. This gives us joy to know that in good time the Celestial Heavens will have more angels within it. This is where you are going beloved souls, as you continue to grow in the Father’s Love, as you continue to awaken and absorb the Truth within you, you shall climb those stairs to Heaven. You shall know the great joy that awaits all those who enter into that place of Light and Joy and boundless Love.

May you continue to pray for your awakening, beloved souls. Seek the Truth, recognize the changes that are happening within you and accept them. Calm your minds and know the excitement of your souls. Be at peace beloved souls. Know your true selves for God continues to infuse you with His Love that awakens all and brings Truth and shows the way to at-onement with God. God bless you beloved souls. I am Martin Luther and I love you, I love you dearly. So, precious, so beautiful, so dear to us, to God. Lights, lights in this world. God bless you. I love you.