Messages 2017

Healing and the Law of Harmony Part 1

September 18th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by A.F.

God bless you, my beloveds. I am Seretta Kem. I have returned to speak to you, for there are questions about healing and the power of prayer to heal the physical body not only for this instrument but also for those who are in your lives and who you are concerned for and love. This is a complex subject, for there are times when souls are healed of their physical maladies and yet it appears that there is very little effort in prayer, merely a request and in this a blessing surges forth and the healing takes place. At other times there is intense prayer that is given by many souls for one individual and yet there is no response.

So what are the factors in the manifestation of healing for the individual? Certainly the largest factor is the desire of that individual for healing and their desire to go to God in faith to receive that healing. For without this, no healing can take place. That desire, that opening to God is not necessarily an overt and conscious thing; it can be a deep desire from the soul expressed directly to God. That individual may not even be consciously aware of it, yet the power of this prayer and desire is evident in the results of the healing.

Then there are those who pray intensely, who long and desire for healing, for relief, for harmony within their physical being and their mental being and their soulful condition. God does not choose who is to be healed. No, my beloveds, healing, like any other aspect of God’s creation, is governed by particular laws. One law that is often overlooked is that the gift of healing must create greater harmony within that individual. So one must not look at this particular condition that requires healing, but the overall harmony of the individual.

God does not treat those who are suffering like some mechanic fixing a machine. This is not how it works, beloveds. It is bringing overall harmony to the body, the spirit, and the soul. When one aspect of these three aspects is severely out of harmony and causes an obstruction to the healing, this causes God’s attempt to heal to be diverted. The most obvious obstruction is that of the mind which is unable to accept, and which has little faith or trust in the healing of God’s Touch on earth. Yes, this is the most obvious malady of the human condition. Then there is an obstruction that can be present within the spirit, the spirit body, the spirit mind. This is often caused by a sense of unworthiness, a deep anxiety, where on one hand there is a desire for healing but on another, there is an inability to trust completely in the Will of God.

For the soul, the conditions of the physical and spirit are not seen as something of great concern to the soul, for the soul continues on in whatever condition is a part of their lives. So the perception and the attitude of the soul is quite different from that of the mind. Yet it is the soul that can through its power clear away these conditions that obstruct the blessing of these healings. So you have a complex system within each individual that is influenced by these levels of consciousness and being. These conditions and energies within each individual are constantly in flux. When there is an alignment of all of these aspects of that individual creating a channel, an opening for God to heal, then healing takes place. It may not be exactly the healing that one intends or desires, but there is a healing nonetheless. When the body responds and begins to find harmony on the physical level, the spirit also responds and creates harmony within the energetic systems of the spirit body. And the soul feels the joy of that Touch from God.

But as I have said, often these elements of your being are not in alignment and this disrupts the flow of healing from God. But the power of God’s healing can indeed heal everything and anything within the body and soul and spirit of the individual. But often because of the conditions of this world, there are obstructions. Energies are not in alignment. Desire is not altogether in unison, and there is great disappointment in the mind, for the mind feels like it is indeed putting a great deal of energy and thought into this healing. Yet a part of that individual is not completely in harmony with this desire.

For you see you are a complex creature, with many subtleties, and many complexities to your nature, your being. As you continue in life and you experience these parts of yourself, you begin to recognize the power of aspects of your being that you did not know before as they emerge and then you must learn how to bring these parts of yourself into harmony. So it goes, layer upon layer of understanding, for in some ways you can consider that there is a whole universe within yourself, a very complex creature that is what God has created. When all is in harmony, what a beautiful creature you become. There is no illness, there is no pain, as you are healed from your soul receiving the Father’s Love. That energy of Love emanates out into all layers and aspects of your being, creating the healing and the harmony that is so desired.

Each of you struggle with some condition or another that is not completely in harmony with your creation. This is part of the human condition and yet you see the power of God’s Love, the beauty of His Healing upon you and this continues to grow and manifest in many wondrous ways. So my beloved souls, there is much to learn, much to understand about the healing of God, the power of this healing, the many energies in the universe that can be utilized for healing, the wondrous spirits and angels that come into play in their ministrations and help to each one.

I have given you a very simplistic view of this for there is much more. But I wish for you to understand the power of Love, the power of God’s Love, the power of God’s Healing and how when you seek to find alignment within yourself and the harmony so then the flow of these wondrous blessings will benefit you greatly and ultimately bring the healing that you seek.

I do not wish to discourage you to pray for another for the healing for their physical ailments and emotional troubles and material concerns, for prayer does indeed benefit others. But I would encourage you not to be overly attached to the outcomes, for this is God’s concern and the complexities are very difficult to discern with each individual. Pray, my beloveds, pray indeed. For this does help to clear away the barriers to healing. This gives the energetic impetus to those spirits and angels who are working for the benefit of that individual and opens the door for God’s Healing, but because each individual has free will and their spiritual conditions vary greatly in accordance to their desire and their experiences and their ability to open and be receptive to these healings. Thus much is in play as this healing benefit is given to each child.

I hope I have explained myself clearly. As for this instrument and his healing, he has received much healing and has prayed intensely for this healing and there has been a response. His condition could have accelerated into something very serious indeed. But because of the prayers of others and his own prayers and receptiveness, there has been greater harmony within the physical body and a result that is desirable. Now he knows that he must take care of his physical health, moderate his activity, and be prayerful. As he continues to do this, there will be continued benefits. Indeed, this is an object lesson in healing, is it not? He is learning how to take advantage of these forces of healing for his own benefit. You see that he has gained vitality and clarity within his mind. These gifts are the result of healing as his body regenerates. This regeneration is in part because of the many healing energies that have been poured upon him. For God has a plan for this instrument as He has for each one of you. His Will is for you to continue on in this world and to be utilized as His channels of Love. So in order to facilitate this, one must live one’s life with wisdom, a sense of what is required to maintain the physical body, the spiritual health of the individual, and the empowerment of the soul through Love. As these elements come into harmony so God can use each one of you in beautiful, powerful ways.

So you grow in wisdom, beloved souls. You grow in perception. You grow in Love. This continues as you continue to pray to God to open up those avenues of understanding and perception that intensify your prayers, desires to God, increasing your faith as the Love builds within you. This continues for all eternity, my beloved souls, for all eternity. How beautiful you are, beautiful and tender shoots growing from the ground, the miracle of life, the miracle of a soul given new life, the life of Love.

So we watch you as you grow, as you develop, as all wonderful aspects of your being flourish in this Love and Light. So you are blessed, my beloveds, and so we are blessed observing your growing self in Love and Light. God bless you. I am Seretta Kem. I love you.